The Six Seasons of Bangladesh

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This is Bangladesh. The home of Bengali people. The land of enormous beauty. The country of many rivers. Also known as the land of six seasons. That’s right, Bangladesh has six seasons. Winter, summer, and monsoon are the three main seasons in areas close to the Indian Ocean. However, Bangladesh separates these three seasons into […]

’tis the Christmas Season

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As Christmas Day draws near, billions of people all over the world are now getting ready for this joyous time—from putting up colorful lights to decorating Christmas trees, singing Christmas carols, organizing parties, and buying gifts! With the kids waiting excitedly for Santa Claus, we’re also looking forward to spending more time with family and […]

A Season of Gratitude

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Every last Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated across the United States. But what is Thanksgiving? How did this holiday begin and, what does this day mean for us now? Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1789 by President George Washington. However, the holiday was celebrated off and on until 1942 when Congress officially […]

Adventure Time! (Come Along With Your Friends. We Go To Very Distant Lands with Jake The Dog And Finn the human. The Love Will Never End. It’s Adventure Time!

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Okay, guys, hello. Today’s topic is Adventure Time. Adventure Time is a Cartoon Network show that ran for 10 seasons and has been adapted into many movies. The show is about the two main protagonists, Jake, The Dog, and Finn, The Human. Jake is well… a dog! And Finn is… a human! The show tells […]

Why Do We Have A Leap Year, And Why Does It Have 366 Days?

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We’re almost at February 29, a special date that only comes around once every four years.  It’s a leap day—an extra day that gets added to the end of February of the calendar every four years.  It’s pretty cool, don’t you think? Normally, we have 365 days a year, but we get an extra day […]

Common Nordic Misconceptions Explained

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Hey Everyone, It’s Carly.I’ve noticed that my articles aren’t that popular anymore, I mean Kidznetters just care about the Animal stories, but I decided to do something by answering common misconceptions about Nordic Countries. Please Read this. 1# –  Åland: Swedish or Finnish? Åland Islands is a region that is just a group of tiny […]

Alt For Norge – Review by VikimgGirl26 (Carly)

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Because of the story I am writing, I will start uploading 3 times a week now. 2 articles and 1 chapter of the story. The story is called Stina. One strange thing about me is that…. I barely watch TV. I usually just watch YouTube but on the television. So when my friend told me […]

The Most Popular Holiday Toys for 2023

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As the holiday season approaches, I’m pretty sure many of us are getting into the Christmas spirit now. Some may even already be adorning their houses with decorations, eagerly preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Among the many things that make the holidays exciting, unwrapping presents is definitely one that many people […]

A Hero Dog Saves the Life of a Teen Boy Having a Stroke

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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; some even have four legs! That’s right, our furry friends, like dogs, can be heroes too! From locating and sniffing out bombs to rescuing people from burning buildings, dogs have proven time and time again that they are more than just our furry companions.  In fact, another act […]

Meet The World’s Oldest Living Dog Ever

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How long a dog can live may vary significantly with several factors, including breed, size, and general health. I bet you’re also curious about your pet dog’s lifespan (if you have one). Generally, the average lifespan for dogs is between 10 to 13 years. However, some are known even to live longer than this. Now, […]