The KidzNet PicMix Contest!

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Welcome to the one & only PicMix contest hosted on KidzNet! This time you guys are going to make a PicMix themed to your favorite character from a franchise! The site has a drag & drop interface like Blingee. You can use the left side of the editor to make user generated ornamentations known as […]

The BIGGEST Drama In KidzSearch History (KidzWeek)

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What’s up Kidzsearchers, I was recently paging through some of my “old” KidzNet posts when I rediscovered the biggest KidzSearch drama of all time, and I can say that with 100% certainty. Back in the old days of late October 2021, the comments section of my post ignited the longest drama on the platform. The […]

Who am I?

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Hey, I’m U’vonna, formally known as XxBlack_CloudxX. I was forced to delete that account, but now I’m back and I have a new account.  I won’t say why I had to delete the  account, but I’m back so that’s all that matters. I will post the same stuff I did on my other account.

Best User Award #2 Reminder

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If you have not voted for best user yet, here’s the link: Just simply click on the user you want and submit the vote! Don’t forget to vote on all of the subjects! If you were not a nominee for the award, hopefully I will have more contests like these in the near future. Also […]

I Got Exposed… (Response To AmmyK)

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DISCLAIMER: This post is a joke and a response to Pumpkin and the Cookie Scandal of ’21 If you haven’t heard already, on January 18th, 2022 AmmyK wrote an article where she exposed me for using people’s love for cookies in order to gain more likes on my comment. Ever since this exposé dropped, I’ve […]

The Legendary Dry Land of the Saudis: Saving the Desert

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I want to save animals by stopping people from building cities in the desert. I want to support the people who save the desert. I can stop people from cutting cactuses, which are a great source of water in the desert. I can stop people from killing scorpions by telling them not to do it. They […]

Facts about Sphynx cats!

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I love Sphynx cats <3 here are some facts about them! 1. Sphynx cats are known to be good cuddle bugs. These cats just love to keep snugged up and cozy with their owners. It’s a means for them to stay warm anytime they feel the need to. Interestingly enough, Sphynx cats’ natural body temperatures […]

Things you can pick up from the dollar store

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Hello. Today we are going to discuss Dollar Stores Everything is below 4$ Cause in this one, we are going to tell you the things we can buy from it. For example, a gaming mouse comes in once a month. And Legos too, cause in Dollarama, Montoy makes blocks that are compatible with Legos. Or […]

Russ the Dog’s Long Journey Home

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Ricardo Rodriguez and his 3-year old pitbull named Russ went on a camping trip near Lake Tahoe in August 2021. Everything was going well until Russ somehow got spooked by his surroundings and took off. Rodriquez spent hours looking for him, but all attempts of finding his dog, Russ was unsuccessful. He called the local […]