The Most Popular Holiday Toys for 2023

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As the holiday season approaches, I’m pretty sure many of us are getting into the Christmas spirit now. Some may even already be adorning their houses with decorations, eagerly preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Among the many things that make the holidays exciting, unwrapping presents is definitely one that many people […]

The Top 10 Best STEM Toys For 2023

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The holiday season is just around the corner AGAIN. Time sure flies fast, huh? It’s that wonderful time of the year again when kids are excited about the gifts they’ll receive.  I’m pretty sure you already have a list of what to ask from your parents. Or maybe you’re still thinking of what you want […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Biology (2022)

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A lot of people are driven by curiosity and always have that thirst for knowledge. Learning science is an incredible way to quench that desire to discover truths about the world around us.  Through science, we get to seek answers through experimentation and observation. It also helps us form the world we live in today […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Teaching Math Skills (2022)

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Math has a reputation for being one of the most challenging subjects for most students. From attention difficulties and learning gaps, to lack of practice, there are many reasons why Math can be difficult for some. This is why it’s important to expose students early on and inspire their love of math to develop the […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]

10 Creative Lego Building Ideas!

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Here are ten ideas to build with Legos! 1. Build a gift for some one you love 2. Build a house for a Lego figure 3. Build a Christmas tree 4. Build a pet store 5. Build something Blind folded 6. Build a scene from a movie/book 7. Build a flower 8. Build a Lego […]