How To Register: Go on KidzNet. Click the Register button right next to the log in button. Fill out the username field. DO NOT use your name or any part of your name in the username! Input your parent’s email address into the Email field. Have parental consent before using their email. Make a password. […]
The editors at KidzSearch work so hard, let’s all give them a vacation for awhile okay? Here are some Ways to Make Life Easier for KidzNet Editors! Way Number 1: Write in your own words! Editors may have to rewrite or disapprove of your post if all there is on it is copy/pasting from other websites. […]
Home Page The home page is for you to see other’s posts. You may click on them if you like to see what others have on their mind. Other’s Posts Once in another’s post, you may read it and comment on it if you so desire. KidzSearch will filter your comment to make sure it […]
KidzSearch would be the parent for sure. Duke Silver would be the cool big brother. Autumn is the cute little sister and also Elo . I would be the one that will fight you for the tv remote. Pumpkin is the silly middle child. Turtleunicorns feels like she would be the mean older sister. Gemheart, […]
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Dear KS, Some of you may know me, I joined back in 2016 with some of my buddies. I have been a long-time member of this community and I haven’t always been very active. Recently, I’ve been checking my search history from a couple of years ago and stumbled upon KidzNet, again. So, I chose […]