Here’s How You Can Make Studying A Daily Habit

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Studying can be challenging, especially if you’re already juggling many responsibilities, whether in academics or personal life. When faced with time-consuming activities, such as schoolwork, assignments, and exams, adjusting to these workloads can be stressful and require much preparation. This is why it’s important to make studying a daily habit to help you mentally and […]

Back-to-School Tips for Students

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Is it time to go back to school again? You might feel excited about returning to school after a break to see your friends again and learn new things. But let’s be honest: there’s also THAT feeling of anxiety or worry. Maybe you’re wondering how tough your classes will be, how you’ll interact with your […]

All About Panda

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Hi everyone, today I will give 10 facts about my favorite animal, the panda. Pandas have excellent camouflage for their habitat  The giant panda’s distinct black-and-white markings have two functions: camouflage and communication. Most of the panda – its face, neck, belly, rump – is white to help it hide in snowy habitats. The arms […]

Dala Horses: A Swedish Icon

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Before I start, I want to say I wasn’t uploading a lot due to mental health issues and having problems identifying my heritage. So sorry for not uploading for 4 months. I also went to Minnesota, so I promise I will post about Minnesota soon. ====== Now, let’s start. If you have ever been to […]

What are Sperm Whales Saying? Scientists are Working to Decode Whale Languages

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Did you know that a sperm whale, also known as a cachalot, is the largest-toothed whale and the largest-toothed predator in the world? It also has the largest brain of any creature that has lived on Earth.  Amazing, right? In the ocean, these whales can easily be spotted by their enormous square heads and big, […]

Amazing Facts #2

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Remember my last post about some of the Amazing Facts? If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, you can find it here.  I thought you might be interested in learning more. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of more interesting facts you won’t want to miss. Did You Know That….. Australia is […]

How To Be Healthier!

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Hey, guys. I thought I would talk to all of you on how to be healthier. What I mean by that is to improve what you eat, how much exercise you get, and how much water you drink. I’ll start off by saying that I’m not a doctor or anything like that, but I wanted […]

What is Lent?

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Hi everyone! It’s DancerGirl887, and today I am explaining Lent. Lent is the 40 days before Easter, which is the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and during Lent, we: 1. Fast 2. Give alms (alms are charity like money to the poor and clothes, shelter and food to the needy) 3. Pray Lent […]

New Haptic Suit Technology Which Allows Deaf People to Feel Music

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Music is an important part of our daily lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it. It’s an art form that can stir emotions, move us, and bring people together. Whether it’s the lyrics that resonate with us, the melodies that calm us, or the beats that make us want to dance, music […]


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Hello and welcome to a study into living with autism. (This might be a bit rushed or very badly said) I’m autistic, so I have a sort of condition in my brain that acts differently than a normal brain.. Things like smell, touch, and hearing senses are very different than normal senses (Hopefully I got that right) […]

5 Great Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

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Every New Year, it’s become a tradition for people around the world to look back on the past year and start thinking about the year ahead.  Many reflect on improving themselves and making positive changes in their lives. This is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions at this time. These goals may range […]

40 Nordic Questions – 2024 version!

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So, I made a post back in October of last year called “40 Questions: Nordic Edition,” and that post is kinda outdated. So, I am gonna do another one for 2024. This is basically all from the point of view of a 13-year-old Nordic enthusiast help 40 Questions: Nordic Edition What aspects of Nordic culture […]

New Drug Could Extend A Dog’s Life

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As pet lovers, we all know the fun and friendship our furry friends bring into our lives—not to mention the priceless love and loyalty they give us. They are more than just pets; they are our family. And just like any other family member, we want them to be with us for as long as […]

Frozen and its Connection to Norwegian and Sámi Culture

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Ever since its release 10 years ago, Frozen has probably been one of the most well-known animated movies of the 2010s and maybe of all time. This movie has been loved by worldwide audiences and left a lot of memories for fans of all ages. Since Frozen is inspired by Scandinavian culture, I am going […]

Learn Langs With Duolingo!!! All About Duolingo

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Hi friends! It’s been a while since I sent my last post. Do you want to learn a new language but don’t know where to start? Well, I’m gonna tell you all about Duolingo, a free, fun, and effective way to learn a language online! Duolingo is a personalized and universally accessible online platform that […]

Where Does Oil Come From? The Myth About Fossil Fuels and Dinosaurs Debunked

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Oil is an important resource that you can see everywhere around us. It plays an essential part in the quality of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.  From transportation and heating, to electricity and manufacturing essential products for our daily routine, like household appliances, computers, plastics, paint, and cosmetics, the […]

4 Columbian Children Found After Being Lost In The Amazon Jungle

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Four lucky children in Columbia were rescued after being alone in a remote area of the Columbian Amazon Rainforest. On May 1st, 2023, 9-year-old Soleiny, 13-year-old Lesly, 11-month-old Cristin, and four-year-old Tien Norie flew with their mother on a small plane on their way to the town of San Jose del Guaviare. The engine in […]

I Answered 39 Questions About Nordic Culture

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Answer: Norway. It is the 1st one I got introduced to, and it is very interesting and cool. 2. Have you ever visited any Nordic countries? If so, which ones and what was your favorite experience? Answer: None 🙁 3. What is your favorite Nordic dish or food? Answer: Swedish Meatballs and Norwegian Salmon. 4. […]