Disappearing Giants: The Vanishing of the World’s Largest Fish

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Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish in the ocean, often reaching up to 49 feet long! Their broad, flat head, wide mouth, unique white spots, and white belly make them easy to spot.  They’re found in tropical or sub-tropical oceans around the world, including the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. People, especially snorkelers and […]

My Favorite Almost-Saint [aka Blessed]: Blessed Imelda Lambertini

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My favorite almost-saint, also known as a blessed, is Imelda Lambertini. Imelda was born in 1322 in a small town called Bologna, located in Italy. She was an only child, and her parents were devout Catholics. They were known for their generosity and love throughout the town. On Imelda’s 5th birthday, she requested for the […]

Happy Early Birthday @try2movem-t

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@try2movem-t celebrates their bday on 7th of Feb! Dear @try2movem-t, We all wish you a very happy birthday filled with happiness and laughter… May all your wishes come true this year and forever!!! I hope you’ll be excited to explore what life has in store for your new year! Forget all bad and dust yourself […]

Mexican Ecologists Are Fighting To Save Axolotls

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Have you ever heard of an animal with an incredible ability to regenerate its body parts? Meet the axolotl or Ambystoma mexicanum, a fascinating animal known for its remarkable regenerative powers. This unique amphibian can regenerate its limbs, spinal cord, heart, and other organs!  Amazing, right? With their extraordinary regenerative abilities, scientists believe axolotls are […]

The Psychology of Comfort Foods: Why We Crave Certain Foods When Stressed or Sad

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Have you ever found yourself craving your favorite comfort food when you’re down or stressed?  If you have, don’t worry. You’re not alone. We’ve all been there. I do, too! Maybe it’s eating a slice of pizza or two, a big bowl of creamy pasta, a bag of chips, or hearty chicken noodle soup. Perhaps […]

Video Games are Crucial in a Child’s Life

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Video games are, without a doubt, beneficial to children. They can help a child socialize with their friends. Studies prove that there is nothing harmful to kids playing video games. It can even teach kids certain skills such as problem-solving, decision-making and socialization, and making new friends. Some people say video games are bad, but […]

Meet Kirstin – American Girl’s Swedish Immigrant Doll

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In 1986, when the doll company American Girl was founded, they released 6 dolls inspired by American history. As a fellow Scandinavian history enthusiast, I was very surprised when I found out that they had a historical Swedish-American Immigrant doll. Even though I made a post on her on Kidztalk, I want to make a […]

9 Most Loved Fictional Characters Ever Created…

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Some characters are so memorable that they stay with us long after we finish reading their stories. They make us laugh, cry, think, and feel. They inspire us, challenge us, and comfort us. They become our friends, our role models, our heroes. Here are 9 of the most loved fictional characters ever created and why […]

Here’s How Aromatherapy Can Help Improve A Kid’s Mood and Well-being

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Aromatherapy has been used for years in ancient cultures for medical purposes, but it’s now gaining more popularity as a wellness trend in improving one’s mood or well-being.  But first, what is aromatherapy? It’s the practice of using essential oils extracted from plant parts, including leaves, flowers, bark, peel, or fruit. These natural plant extracts […]

The Bajau Tribe: Meet The People With Superpowers To Stay Underwater Longer

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Anyone here who knows how to swim? If you do, I bet you’ve already tried holding your breath for as long as possible. Maybe even guess how deep you can go underwater. Generally, most people can hold their breath underwater for somewhere between 30 seconds and up to 2 minutes.  But did you know that […]

Pangolin: Meet The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal

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Pangolin, also called the scaly anteater, is an insect-eating mammal easily recognized by its body covered with overlapping scales. Although it may look like a reptile because of its scales, it’s actually more closely related to cats and bears. Its name, “pangolin,” originated from the Malay word ‘penggulung,’ which means “rolling over or roller.” It […]

10 Most Expensive Pet Fish in the World – But Just 5 for You!

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Hi everyone! Do u like fish?I do! They’re amazing sometimes. My pet fish can even figure out the difference between a lego piece and their food! Today I’m gonna talk about the most expensive fish in the world. 1. Asian Arowana Price – $20,000 – $400,000 Asian Arowana is the most expensive fish in the […]

5 Tips To Maintain Lifelong Friendships

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Just like any other relationship, friendship is an important connection to have. Finding someone you can trust, share your interests with, hang out with, and play with is such a lovely thing. Not to mention that creating these bonds also enriches our everyday experiences. It’s known to boost our happiness, build our confidence, give us […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]