The Bear Bug (Panda Ant)

Although the panda-ant appears to be charming, its sting is really unpleasant! Although it is technically not an ant, but rather a wasp, its colors and patterns are aposematic, indicating that other predators should avoid it. Only the female has wings, and despite being dubbed the “cow-killer ant,” its sting isn’t the most lethal or […]

Test Your Virus Knowledge

As you all know, corona virus has spread all over the world. It is affecting day to day life and still slowing economies around the world. It has affected millions of peoples, who are either sick or even dying due to the spread of this disease. As a result, extensive precautions are being taken, such as regularly […]

The Mystery Moth

Have you ever considered moths to be cute? If not, the Venezuelan poodle moth, can completely change your mind. The Venezuelan poodle moth is a new species of moth that is still a mystery. Dr. Arthur Anker, a naturalist from Bishkek, Kyrgystan, discovered it in 2009. Dr. Arthur Anker took a snapshot of the Venezuelan […]

Why I Don’t Like Cool Math Games

Today I am going to review, one of the top “educational” websites on the internet. I’m also going to explain why I don’t like this website, but we’ll get into that later.  At a glance, Cool Math Games is an online arcade filled with an impressive catalog of educational games for kids. However, you […]

The Official KN Cup Starting Soon!

Hey, y’all! Jus’ a reminder that the lineup is starting soon! Be sure to nominate your best friends before time runs out! If you want to nominate now, here is the link! Here are the nominees at the time of this post: @Pumpkin @emozookeeper @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha @flowermagic1234 @-MarshmallowSmoosh- @DukeSilver @esie Be sure […]

Weirdest Pokémon Return! (Again)

Yes, I am doing another weirdest Pokémon post. But this time I’m going to be switching it up a little. I’m actually going more into detail about these, but for time’s sake, I’m only going to be doing three. And remember, these are only my opinions, so if you disagree with any of these (then, […]

What Happened To Me?

You probably thought I’d never come crawling back, but here I am. I suppose I’ll give you all a little update about the future of my account and some other things. So a few weeks ago, I reached 1,000,000 points on KidzTalk, which was really cool and exciting. Looking at my account here on KidzNet, […]

Plagiarism and How To Stop It

What is Plagiarism? When taking notes from a website, a book, or any work of art, you must be very careful not to copy. To copy what someone else has written and passing it off as your own work is a form of stealing called plagiarism. Plagiarism is one of the main reasons posts on […]

Dua Lipa News!

Dua Lipa, the 26-year-old singer is going to be in a movie! Yes, this superstar is ready to go to the big screens! She is going to be a leading star of the Barbie movie! She is also releasing a new single with Calvin Harris. They have done a song together once before in their […]