KidzNet Username Ideas

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Some of the guests that are considering joining KidzNet are struggling a little with choosing a username. So, I used my creativity and imagination to make some nice and appropriate usernames for KidzNet. I am going to present them down below: nature_isLITT – for nature lovers iHAVEanIDEA267 – for creative users powering.imagination9930 – for users with big imagination MARTYPANTS52 – […]

Do Black/Dark Colors Gather More Heat (Experiment)?

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MATERIALS: 2 cans Black paint White paint Painting brush Water Thermometer ORDER OF ACTIONS:  Paint one of the cans black, and the other one white. Fill the cans with water and record the temperature of both cans. Leave the cans in sun for about 1 hour. Measure the temperature in each can. RESULTS The water […]

Song #1: “Tell Me What You Want” by BlueZswagger

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This is an original song written by a KidzNet user. Tell Me What You Want By BlueZswagger (Verse 1) Boy, Grab my hand  We could dance all night When I’m with you everything is alright We could be the change  We could change the world Ohh Ohh See you there and my heart’s on fireThink I’m over […]


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Fun riddles for May 30th, 2022.  Difficulty: easy Riddle #1 – I have a head and a tail, but I don’t have a body. What am I? Riddle #2 – Maria’s dad has 4 daughters, Kelly, Agnes, Rose and __? Riddle #3 – How many months have 28 days? The Answers:

Champions Group

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Champions – On Our Way To The Top! We’re Champions, a new team, founded by @emozookeeper281, @esie and @alex. We are trying to make the best posts, to get to the top. Even though we will focus on Champions, we will still post on our own official accounts. We will try our best to post daily, but it depends on the days […]

Dua Lipa, new song!

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A new song by the British Popstar Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris is set to come out in *Drum roll please* 14 hours! Yes, Harris and Dua have done it again after their billboard hit song One Kiss, fours years ago. Old fans are happy! The song called Potion is eagerly awaited.

Dua Lipa News!

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Dua Lipa, the 26-year-old singer is going to be in a movie! Yes, this superstar is ready to go to the big screens! She is going to be a leading star of the Barbie movie! She is also releasing a new single with Calvin Harris. They have done a song together once before in their […]

Should I Make An Account?

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Hello, some of you may know me as BlueZswagger. I have an account on KidzTalk. I was wondering if I should make an account as the title says. I have been around since Dec. KidzNet was actually the first thing I found, but I have always found KidzTalk funnier and easier to use. So what […]

What are Ranks? Explaining the KidzNet Point System

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Points and Ranks. Points are a system used by both KidzTalk and KidzNet. You may get points by doing such actions as: Accepted Published Posts (50) Publishing a Well-Written accepted Post (up to 200) Posting Comments (2) Liking Comments (1) Logging In (1) And More! The users with the most points are displayed on the […]

How to make a simple calculator in Python

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Python is a really popular programming language. I’ve been using it for around 2 years. Based in my experience, Python is really fast and easy for beginners. As matter a fact, Python is multi-paradigm, which makes it easier for the beginners to start with. Today, I am going to be explaining step by step, line […]

New Posts?

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What do you guys suggest I post next? Below are some ideas. Gaming and game reviews Coding, technology, and robotics Historical articles Science Astronomy or astrology Society and social culture Do you have any other ideas? Comment down below!

Should Kids Use Social Media?

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Social media has become something really common nowadays. Although it is for adults, you will find kids of all ages as well. This happens because even though you can’t sign up for social media until a certain age (13 yrs.), there is still no real age verification, so it’s easy for kids to sign up. I […]

Different ways to say “HELLO”

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In English, you say “hello,” but in a different language, they say it differently. Learning something as simple as saying hello to a foreigner in their native language can go a long way towards showing your interest in their culture and making them feel more welcome. In French, you say “Bonjour “. In Dutch, you […]

An Idea About Live Chat from Jace (with Rules ‘n Suggestions)

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I sent a message about the live chat idea previously. As it was too long, I thought of converting it to a post! If you read the message, this is basically the same one. Just tell your ideas about it here. 👍 I see KidzSearch as a very good app for kids – cuz this […]