How Do Sugar And Fat Affect Your Brain?

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Candies, cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, and sodas—these foods can be pretty irresistible to us. So many of these make up a large portion of our daily intake. And let’s not forget other fast food or processed food, such as bacon, pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries, and sandwiches. These foods are common comfort food cravings, which […]

Hominid Development (Part 2)

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Modern humans developed over a period of millions of years.  Here is a summary of what we know based on fossil records. Australopithecus: The remains of Australopithecus were mostly found in “East Africa”. The Australopithecus  brain was roughly 35% of the size of the modern human brain. The Australopithecus female stood between 1.2m and 1.4 […]

Archaeologists Reveal The Face Of A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman

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Around 200,000 years ago, a group of ancient humans called Neanderthals or Homo neanderthalensis lived in Eurasia (Europe and Asia). But they mysteriously became extinct around 40,000 years ago and were replaced by Homo sapiens or modern-day humans. Researchers have studied Neanderthals’ physical appearance and found that they are similar to humans. However, they have […]


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Justin The humans were originally going to build a rocket to the moon, but because of this event, they changed their plans to a trip to California. I’m Justin—Justin Case. (Ha, ha, pause for comedic laughter.) I live in Texas and am about to move to California. You got that right. I’m their lab rat, […]

Mexican Ecologists Are Fighting To Save Axolotls

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Have you ever heard of an animal with an incredible ability to regenerate its body parts? Meet the axolotl or Ambystoma mexicanum, a fascinating animal known for its remarkable regenerative powers. This unique amphibian can regenerate its limbs, spinal cord, heart, and other organs!  Amazing, right? With their extraordinary regenerative abilities, scientists believe axolotls are […]

Meet Félicette, the First Cat in Space

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Since the very beginning of space exploration, humans have always been fascinated with the mysteries of space. We’ve always wanted to explore space and discover what lies beyond our planet. Thanks to years of tireless work by scientists, this dream finally became a reality when Yuri Gagarin completed a single orbit around Earth on April […]

King of Valhalla- INTRO

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“Oh mY gOsH, DuDE a ThIRd sErIEs?!” “Yes.” ”But tHaTS tOo mANy-“ ”epepep. Shush.” OKAY! This is based off of stories my friends made up while playing the Fortnite creative game VALHALLA (go play it it’s very good). This story is completely fictional and any relation to actual events is purely coincidental. Anyways, the realms […]

Rats Have Rhythm And Can Dance To A Good Beat

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The sound of music has always made people move along to the beat. I’m quite sure you’ve already experienced that urge to dance upon hearing your favorite songs. From tapping, clapping, nodding, bouncing, and bopping, we let our bodies move along with the rhythm.  But aside from humans, some animals are also known to dance […]

Do Spiders Dream? Study Suggests Spiders Sleep and Dream Like Us

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Dreaming is a common phenomenon of sleep, especially for us. But did you know that humans aren’t the only ones that dream? Many other animals like cats, dogs, horses, platypuses, birds, and even reptiles do indeed dream. Awesome, right? But what if I tell you spiders might be dreaming a lot like people too? Would […]

The Secret To Why Cats Go Crazy Over Catnip

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I bet you’ve already watched a bunch of funny videos on the internet about cats rubbing against every surface, flipping out, blissfully rolling around the floor, or darting around the house (generally acting weird) after eating or sniffing catnip. Have you ever wondered why cats go crazy for catnip? But before I tell you the […]