What Did You Get For The Holidays Contest!

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We want to know what you got for Christmas or Hanukkah! You can even include photos of your gift haul if you have some, but they can’t have anything personal, like your face or other people you know. Just post in the comments. If you are a registered KidzNet user, we will randomly pick one […]

A Light in the Darkness – Sweden’s St Lucia Holiday.

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This Wednesday will be a very important day in Sweden. It will be the Swedish Holiday of St Lucia. Now, Some people may be confused since there is also a Caribbean Island called St Lucia, but I am gonna be talking about the holiday. St. Lucia is a holiday celebrated on the 13th of December […]

The Most Popular Holiday Toys for 2023

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As the holiday season approaches, I’m pretty sure many of us are getting into the Christmas spirit now. Some may even already be adorning their houses with decorations, eagerly preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Among the many things that make the holidays exciting, unwrapping presents is definitely one that many people […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]

Celebrating St. Urho’s Day – March 16

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Hej Everyone, it’s Carly. March is an interesting month for me; I have spring break, which means I can research Nordic history and culture all week long. It is also my birthday on March 26 (I’m turning 14), and there is a holiday everyone is familiar with. St Patrick’s Day. Now, I will talk about […]

Common Nordic Misconceptions Explained

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Hey Everyone, It’s Carly.I’ve noticed that my articles aren’t that popular anymore, I mean Kidznetters just care about the Animal stories, but I decided to do something by answering common misconceptions about Nordic Countries. Please Read this. 1# –  Åland: Swedish or Finnish? Åland Islands is a region that is just a group of tiny […]

Celebrating Sámi National Day – February 6th

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If you live in Norway, Especially in the North of Norway (Finnmark, Nordland, and Trøms, to be more specific), you might have heard of Sámi National Day. For those who haven’t heard about it, I will explain it in this article. I will discuss Sámi National Day, its origins, and how to celebrate it. The […]

Lyndström, Minnesota – The Most Nordic City in the United States

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Ok. I am bored. So, here is a new article. This article shall be your Christmas gift! As some of you probably know, I am going to Minnesota in 6 months for my birthday (March 26, I’m turning 14!). Today, I am going to talk about the most Nordic city in the USA, the history […]

History You Can Wear – The Art and History of Norwegian Bunads

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Imagine you are a Norwegian girl in the late 1800s. Today is your older sister’s wedding, and she is wearing a beautiful dress with dark red fabric and embroidered flowers. You want to wear the dress as well. To your surprise, you get to wear it like all the girls and boys invited to her […]

The History of Scandinavian-Americans (October 9th Special)

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HAPPY EARLY OCTOBER 9TH EVERYONEEEE. Just kidding, this is more serious than the intro suggests.  Last time, I wrote a history essay about Scandinavia. I wrote this too because Inga, the Finnish-American (on Kidztalk), asked me for an Essay on Scandinavian Americans. Here it is, Inga. I sacrificed all my brain cells and time that […]

Dorms n’ Stuff – EPISODE 1

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I’m just gonna write this. I have none of this planned. “HURRY UP! CLASSES START IN 30 SECONDS!” Wes said. “SHUT UP! IM GETTING MY BOOKS!” Thomas replied. “YOU MOVE LIKE A SLOTH! IM GOING!” Steve said. “STOP BEING IMPATIENT!” Maverick said. “ALRIGHT, I’M READY LET’S GO!” Thomas said. They ran like Usain Bolt to […]

Teacher Appreciation Week Drawing Contest

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Teacher Appreciation Week is a U.S. national holiday that takes place during the first full week of May. We want you to thank all your hardworking and often underappreciated teachers, including homeschool educators. Post your own original drawing in the comments to show your appreciation. The winning art submissions will be featured on the KidzSearch […]