Scary Story

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Um… Hi Loves ♡ So yesterday my stomach hurt. Not to bad, but it kept getting worse and worse. So I went to the nurse at my school and told her that my stomach hurt and she gave me a PEPPERMINT… like that’s gonna do anything. (It turned out that was the worst thing she […]

Man From Taured (a very strange story)

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Hello everyone! Today I am going to share a curious story with you about a strange mystery which may remain unsolved up to now. I have to tell you that the general event is not a fake story. But I’ll tell it to you as if it was a spooky story! However, some credible sources say […]

The Pool

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I was on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I had been there for a few weeks, just getting into the groove of things. That day had begun like any other. Little did I know my life would be put on the line in the pool, and my trust betrayed for years to come. I got […]

The Not Seeing Thing

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There once was a boy who lived in an old creaky house. His parents always told him don’t to go into the forest but the boy always wanted to explore it. He saw lots of critters and lots of paranormal activity in the woods. There was an old legend that his parents used to tell […]