A Hero Dog Saves the Life of a Teen Boy Having a Stroke

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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; some even have four legs! That’s right, our furry friends, like dogs, can be heroes too! From locating and sniffing out bombs to rescuing people from burning buildings, dogs have proven time and time again that they are more than just our furry companions.  In fact, another act […]

Rats Wearing Backpacks Are Trained To Rescue Earthquake Survivors

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Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods occur yearly around the globe. And sadly, many people are gravely affected, and some lose their lives due to these incredibly destructive disasters.  For earthquakes, it’s a painstaking task to perform search and rescue operations for survivors in collapsed structures. But a group of scientists already devised an […]

Meet Patron, The Bomb-Sniffing Jack Russell Terrier Hero in Ukraine

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Not all heroes wear capes. Some have furry coats, wagging tails, and floppy ears. Meet Patron, a 2-year-old Jack Russell terrier who has been saving lives in the war in Ukraine by discovering dangerous explosive devices. He was able to locate and help neutralize over 150 dangerous Russian bombs and landmines left by Russians since […]

Nathan Hale

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Nathan Hale: Colonial Spy Nathan Hale should be an example to us all. He did what not many human beings would be willing to do: lay down his life for his country. His selflessness set an example for many who were to come and he was a forerunner for the American Revolution. Nathan Hale was […]

The Hall Monitor (A Real-Life Story)

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MAY 12, 2008. YingXui, China. A powerful earthquake struck China. It killed more than 70,000 men, leaving more than five million homeless and 375,000 others had dangerous wounds. Lin Hao, a nine-year old student at the biggest building in the small town, was caught in the middle of class when it started quaking.  In under […]