The Dust Bowl

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The Dust Bowl is known now as a drought and a long period of sandstorms that targeted mainly Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding prairie states. Pre-Dust Bowl, farms were spreading and multiplying like rabbits.  The long, sturdy grass roots that anchored much soil in place was replaced by shallow and pliable wheat roots. This was during the […]

Traditional Christmas Foods From Around the World

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Christmas is truly upon us now! I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to gathering around the Christmas tree, spending time with families, reconnecting with friends, exchanging gifts, and unwrapping presents. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re also looking forward to the most—that is indulging in the delectable Christmas feast served at […]

Hominid Development (Part 2)

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Modern humans developed over a period of millions of years.  Here is a summary of what we know based on fossil records. Australopithecus: The remains of Australopithecus were mostly found in “East Africa”. The Australopithecus  brain was roughly 35% of the size of the modern human brain. The Australopithecus female stood between 1.2m and 1.4 […]

Struggling With Depression

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Life in the 21st century – anything but boring, and honestly pretty challenging and stressful all the time! We all have real life pressures, struggles, and difficulties to face every day! Everything from academic/achievement pressures to family friction/conflict, from social struggles to navigating complicated friendships, real world battles to personal/internal problems. Sometimes when life is […]