
Hola, KS I was just thinking, why not add stories. Like the ones in Snapchat and Instagram. Instead of videos, you could post quick little messages. Sort of like a daily status. Status’ would be pretty nice, too! Maybe adding Pronoun settings could be helpful, as well. Just a nice thought I had. – Romi330


I haven’t been around in a while, but whatever happened to the idea for KidzArt? Is that still being made? Or has it been canceled? I’m just curious.

New KidzNet?

Well, what do you think of it? I liked the old version better. All my friends are gone, my points are lost, and the best feature- private messaging system is gone! KS, I and forgxtten were planning to do a co-op and without the private messaging feature, we can’t do it! We need to discuss […]

Moving Forward

I still hate this new update, and moving forward I won’t be active here. I might make an occasional post or two though. What type of content would you be interested in me blogging about? I think I will blog about a wider variety off things besides cats so I can appeal to a wider […]


I’m not sure if I like the old or new version better, but I do like my new profile picture. I definitely will not change it. Though it is a little too close to how I really look… I feel like this version is very similar to KidzTalk, but we’ll see if that’s good or […]

What happened to KidzNet?

Dear KS, Some of you may know me, I joined back in 2016 with some of my buddies. I have been a long-time member of this community and I haven’t always been very active. Recently, I’ve been checking my search history from a couple of years ago and stumbled upon KidzNet, again. So, I chose […]

I’m 11!

I just turned 11 last Monday! Things are great this month. School started in September (IRL) and I missed IRL school SM last year since I went virtual. Since I’m 11 now, my parents now let me walk to school by myself, watch PG-13 movies, and more. My birthday was great! I’m obsessed with Ariana […]