In A Better World – Kids Rights!

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No, I’m not going to use the Signed Out of Account anonymous user anymore because it’s pointless. I don’t need to. Anyways, I’m going to begin this essay (lol). It’s always been a thing. People have always treated each other unfairly because of things like race, gender, and age. You may think that things like […]

The Norway-Sweden Union

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Before I start, I am currently dealing with a writer’s block… So uhh plz comment some ideas. Velkomenn and Välkomenn to yet another lesson in Scandinavian History (A Kidztalk blog about Scandinavian history).  This time on the Norway-Sweden Union, because that is apparently a meme here on KidzTalk. My name is Carly, and I am […]

The Sweet History of Marshmallows

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Marshmallows are a favored treat that people of all ages enjoy. They’re sweet, delicious, and creamy, not to mention pillowy when you squish or bite down on them!  Whether it’s toasted over a campfire, melted into hot cocoa, dipped in chocolate fondue, used as a filling for baked goods, or topping for ice cream, marshmallows […]

The History of Iceland

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Sike, I lied. I loved how this article came out. Iceland is a small country with a long and interesting history. Even though it only has 350,000 citizens, it is still a good country to talk about. Iceland is known for its breathtaking landscapes and really great safety measures. However, the past was also interesting. […]

Lyndström, Minnesota – The Most Nordic City in the United States

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Ok. I am bored. So, here is a new article. This article shall be your Christmas gift! As some of you probably know, I am going to Minnesota in 6 months for my birthday (March 26, I’m turning 14!). Today, I am going to talk about the most Nordic city in the USA, the history […]

A Light in the Darkness – Sweden’s St Lucia Holiday.

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This Wednesday will be a very important day in Sweden. It will be the Swedish Holiday of St Lucia. Now, Some people may be confused since there is also a Caribbean Island called St Lucia, but I am gonna be talking about the holiday. St. Lucia is a holiday celebrated on the 13th of December […]

Frozen and its Connection to Norwegian and Sámi Culture

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Ever since its release 10 years ago, Frozen has probably been one of the most well-known animated movies of the 2010s and maybe of all time. This movie has been loved by worldwide audiences and left a lot of memories for fans of all ages. Since Frozen is inspired by Scandinavian culture, I am going […]

The Psychology of Comfort Foods: Why We Crave Certain Foods When Stressed or Sad

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Have you ever found yourself craving your favorite comfort food when you’re down or stressed?  If you have, don’t worry. You’re not alone. We’ve all been there. I do, too! Maybe it’s eating a slice of pizza or two, a big bowl of creamy pasta, a bag of chips, or hearty chicken noodle soup. Perhaps […]

Northern Finland – A Real-Life Winter Wonderland

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Finland has always been known for being a very festive country for Christmas. In Southern and Central Finland, there are decorations and markets selling traditional Scandinavian crafts. But nothing can compare to the North of Finland as the Christmas capital of the world. Northern Finland, also known as Finnish Sápmi, is one of the biggest […]

Wojtek: The Bear That Fought The Nazis In World War II

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During World War II, countless brave soldiers and civilians fought for their countries and sacrificed their lives for the greater good.  But among these war heroes, would you believe me if I told you that not only humans but also animals played a vital role in the war effort? Yes, you read that right – […]

The Beatles’ ‘Final’ Song, ‘Now and Then,’ Released With The Help of AI Technology

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Have you ever heard of The Beatles? You might’ve already watched them on social media platforms like YouTube. Or maybe you’ve heard of them from your parents’ beloved music playlist. The Beatles – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison – were an English rock band from Liverpool in the 1960s. The band […]

A Hero Dog Saves the Life of a Teen Boy Having a Stroke

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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; some even have four legs! That’s right, our furry friends, like dogs, can be heroes too! From locating and sniffing out bombs to rescuing people from burning buildings, dogs have proven time and time again that they are more than just our furry companions.  In fact, another act […]

Pythagorean Theorem Discovered on Ancient Babylonian Tablet Before Pythagoras

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The plagiarism issue is not entirely a new one. It’s been a concern that’s been around for centuries and a common phenomenon at that. Throughout history, scholars, writers, and artists have been accused of taking credit for other people’s work. But what if I tell you a recent discovery suggests a well-known mathematical formula could […]