I Answered 39 Questions About Nordic Culture

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Answer: Norway. It is the 1st one I got introduced to, and it is very interesting and cool. 2. Have you ever visited any Nordic countries? If so, which ones and what was your favorite experience? Answer: None 🙁 3. What is your favorite Nordic dish or food? Answer: Swedish Meatballs and Norwegian Salmon. 4. […]


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You have five candidates to vote for: Me, GravityCentered, who is with the balance party and is campaigning for equality and quality in Kidznet, Mestyle, who is with no party that we know of and is campaigning for safety and better moderation in Kidznet. Harrypotherobssesedravenclawgirl, who is with no party that we know of and […]

Why Do Fingers Get Wrinkly After A Long Bath Or Swim? Here’s the Answer.

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Have you ever stayed in a bathtub or swimming pool for a long time? If you have, you’ve probably already seen your fingers and toes turn wrinkly like a prune. It’s quite a baffling transformation, right? You know it’s because you spent too long in the water. But why does it happen?  Have you ever […]

2nd Half of 2023 KN Presidential Election

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THE 2ND HALF OF THE 2023 KN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HAS STARTED! I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! My party is the “balance” party. We go for equality among boys and girls here. My campaign slogan is: Equality and Quality. If you are running for president, please comment on the community wall that you are running. You […]

The Interesting History of Waffles

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Waffles have been a beloved breakfast staple for centuries by many around the world. With its warm, crunchy outside texture, soft interior, honeycombed-like shape, and irresistible aroma that wafts throughout the room, this delectable treat has become a favorite.  Today, waffles are enjoyed in many different ways. Some people love to put melted butter, maple […]

Heatwaves? Try These Tips to Keep Cool in the Summer Heat

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As temperatures continue to rise around the world, more and more people are at risk of the dangers of heat waves. This is why it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with this hot weather.  If not properly addressed, extreme heat can cause serious health risks, such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and even […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action. *RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone. “Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said. “Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. […]

Here’s How Parrots Can Talk Like Humans

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For humans, communication is an essential aspect of all relationships. We talk to convey our feelings and thoughts, understand others, create and strengthen bonds, resolve conflicts, and collaborate and share ideas with the people around us.  But did you know that aside from humans, some animals can mimic human speech? You may have already heard […]

Here’s How Aromatherapy Can Help Improve A Kid’s Mood and Well-being

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Aromatherapy has been used for years in ancient cultures for medical purposes, but it’s now gaining more popularity as a wellness trend in improving one’s mood or well-being.  But first, what is aromatherapy? It’s the practice of using essential oils extracted from plant parts, including leaves, flowers, bark, peel, or fruit. These natural plant extracts […]

The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence: How It Will Change Society

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In today’s world, the advancement in technology has been evolving rapidly over the years. From electricity, automobiles, roadways, infrastructures, robotics, and the internet to smartphones (among others), technology has contributed so much to our convenience and has been a part of our daily lives.  Undoubtedly, technology plays an essential role in our society today, and […]