The Sky Hook

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A sky hook is made up of a cable and a weight, called a Tether. It is supposed to help spacecrafts go into orbit easily. Thus, helping planet to planet travel. It might decrease the traveling time between Earth and Mars from 9 months to 6, or even 3 months. It is supposed to spin […]

The BIGGEST Drama In KidzSearch History (KidzWeek)

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What’s up Kidzsearchers, I was recently paging through some of my “old” KidzNet posts when I rediscovered the biggest KidzSearch drama of all time, and I can say that with 100% certainty. Back in the old days of late October 2021, the comments section of my post ignited the longest drama on the platform. The […]

Greek Gods and Goddesses

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Zeus: Roman name: Jupiter Zeus is the god of the sky, and thunder, and he is one of the twelve Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus. He once ruled the world. His wife’s name is Hera, and they were Titans. Hera: Roman name: Juno Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth, and […]

Space Exploration

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NASA, which stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the United States on October 1st, 1958. It is a government funded program that supports both civilian and aeronautical space research. One of the reasons it was created was to keep up with the Soviet Union after […]

The Fruit Story

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By Dash201  Nameeraplayz (former user)  Once upon a time, there were 3 fruits: Kiwi, Apple and Orange. They were smart and clever. One day, they arrived at the beach, The saw a big, empty new house. They thought that it was a free house, but they didn’t check the poster on the house. It said […]


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Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system and has an average surface temperature of around 450° C. Of all the planets in our solar system (apart from Earth), Mars is the one most likely to be hospitable to life. There are between 200-400 billion stars and estimated to be billions of galaxies, so […]

Best Study Tips For Kids

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All of your life, you have been learning new skills. When you were five years old, someone taught you how to tie your shoes. At age six, you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Fast forward to your pre-teen and teen years, and you might know several skateboard tricks, how to do […]