Aisla is getting ready for school. She’s still thinking of the magical butterfly. She thought that she would tell her teacher. When she reached school, she saw the teacher’s busy doing her work. So, she sat in her classroom thinking about the butterfly. First period starts…. Alright students you can share some news.“Teacher, may I […]
Aisla spent the rest of her day thinking about the butterfly she saw. It can’t be true… But, I know I saw it….It is true… Or is it not? Mom doesn’t believe me. I’ll tell Dad Thought Aisla. The next day, Aisla woke up early, unable to wait to ask her dad about the butterfly. […]
I know her name is odd, but we wanted it to be something we’ve never heard of. She has two cousins, one little brother and her best friend is Carla. Here is the first chapter.
This was written by my friend Chapter one – Aisla and the Dreamland Butterfly There was a girl called Aisla she was a young, smart and pretty girl. She and her friends were playing at the park. At Evening… It was time for Aisla to go home. She said bye to all of her friends and she left. When […]
Use this group to discuss anything about slime!
Who invented slime? Have you ever wondered who invented slime? Well, it was invented by Mattel Toys in 1976! What was the first ever color in slime? Light green! Is slime a solid or liquid? Actually slime is known as “Non-Newtonian fluid“, which means that it is neither solid nor liquid. Who made the largest […]
I’m bored and I wanted to post something…
I’m getting notifications for every single thing!
Today was supposed to be the 2nd day to school. We had our 1st day on November 2nd while few other students had it on November 1st. And, the other students had their 2nd day on November 3rd, and we didn’t have school on Thursday and Friday ’cause of Diwali, but we were going on […]
I’m watching Jurassic World with my brother for the 5th time…
In the scene where Hermione and Harry use the Time Turner to go back in time and save Buckbeak from his unfortunate fate, both actors’ microphone packs can be seen under their shirts on their back as they creep around Hagrid’s pumpkin garden and attempt to get Buckbeak untied. Did you guys notice this thing? […]
Use this group to talk about Harry Potter stuff!
Well, what do you think of it? I liked the old version better. All my friends are gone, my points are lost, and the best feature- private messaging system is gone! KS, I and forgxtten were planning to do a co-op and without the private messaging feature, we can’t do it! We need to discuss […]
Dear Kidzsearch, There were many groups in KidzNet, which many admins want back. Will the groups be availabe with the same content, members and admin? Reader
Um.. what’s gonna happen to our co-op? Is it gonna be canceled? How do you think we can write it without being able to message privately 0r create groups? Please reply soon!!