Aisla’s Adventure Chapter – 1

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This was written by my friend 🙂

Chapter one – Aisla and the Dreamland Butterfly

There was a girl called Aisla she was a young, smart and pretty girl. She and her friends were playing at the park.

At Evening…

It was time for Aisla to go home. She said bye to all of her friends and she left. When she was going home something caught her eye. She saw a little twinkle from the woods. She quickly ran to the woods and saw a butterfly. She said ‘It’s just a butterfly. “No, it’s twinkling!! Wow!”  “Oh, it’s getting late! I should probably go now or mom will search for me’. Then she left the woods and ran home. But little does she know it was not just a twinkling butterfly! It was magical butterfly from a Dreamland!

Aisla got home…

Aisla: Mom!!! mom!!!

Mrs Jones: What’s the matter, Aisla?
Aisla: Mom you won’t believe what I saw in the woods today!!
Mrs Jones: Aisla!! I already told you not to go to the woods!!
Aisla: But mom I saw something in the woods!
Mrs Jones: What did you see?

Aisla: I saw a twinkle in the woods. When I got closer I saw a butterfly and I thought it was something else.
Mrs Jones: Aisla, butterflies can’t twinkle. I think it’s just your imagination!
Aisla: Mom, it’s not my imagination!! It was real!
Mrs Jones: You may have imagined it, dear!
Aisla: But mom it was…
Mrs Jones: Aisla leave it! Go and do you homework!
Aisla: *sigh* Fine, Mom

Chapter 2 >

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