Aisla’s Adventure Chapter – 3

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Aisla is getting ready for school. She’s still thinking of the magical butterfly. She thought that she would tell her teacher. When she reached school, she saw the teacher’s busy doing her work. So, she sat in her classroom thinking about the butterfly.

 First period starts….​

Alright students you can share some news.
“Teacher, may I tell?” asked Aisla.

“Sure Aisla go on” Replied the teacher.
“Teacher, I saw a magical butterfly twinkling in the woods,” said Aisla
“Aisla is that your dream?” questioned the teacher.
“No teacher it’s real believe me!” said Aisla.
“But Aisla how can a butterfly twinkle?” asked the teacher.
“Teacher but it’s true believe me” protested Aisla.
“Maybe you have had a dream,” said the teacher.

Aisla thought that she can tell to her best friend Carla.
“Carla, I want to tell you about the butterfly!” said Aisla
“Okay” said Carla.
“I saw a butterfly twinkling in the woods while walking home after playing on that day!” said Aisla.
“I saw it while going home too!” said Carla
“Oh Carla, did you mom and dad believe you?” asked Aisla.
“No, Aisla!” said Carla.
“Oh! Grown-ups are always like that! Can we go to the woods today and see the butterfly?” asked Aisla.

“Sure! We can go”

“Ok! But we need proof so, bring a camera, Carla and I’ll also bring one!”

 “Okay, Aisla I’ll bring.”

< Chapter 2

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