Inspiration For Success #7: You Can Do Anything With What You Have

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We people are gifted to the maximum extent possible, but there are many who don’t have these natural opportunities. Some people are born without some of their body parts, and some lose them from accidents. We don’t even like to imagine a life without our hands or legs. But there are people who still survived […]

Inspiration For Success Part 6: Paid in Full with a Glass of Milk

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Inspiration could push our lives forward. We were given inspiration from our parents,teachers, leaders and many others. Also, did you know that we can be inspired by our younger siblings too? We can be inspired by almost all good people. I first started this project many months ago, but had to hold off a while […]

INSPIRATION FOR SUCCESS – Part 4 (What Matters Most ?)

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Today I wanted to bring a motivational poem to you. It was written by Laura Probert. All credit should go to her for making this nice poem. What Matters Most by Laura Probert There’s no right answer,to what matters most.The heart of each of usholds a special choice. What matters is living fully,in every possible […]


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Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying well. As the 3rd part of my project I brought you some inspirational poems. I hope you’ll enjoy it and get something from it! Never Say Can’t A poem by Edgar Albert Guest Can’t is the worst word that’s written or spoken;Doing more harm here than slander […]


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Today I brought you some quotes about dreams that will help inspire you … Dreams… “Nothing happens unless we first dream. ” – Carl Sandburg “There’s nothing like a dream to help plan your future.”– Jason Brown “If you can dream it, you can do it.”– Walt Disney “The place to improve the world is first […]

Robot Sets Guinness Record for Solving Rubik’s Cube In Less Than A Second

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The Rubik’s Cube became a global craze during the 1980s, and its popularity continues even today, thanks to its simple yet challenging nature. Many people of all ages are drawn to solving this puzzle, seeing it as a fun and rewarding challenge. It’s not just the satisfaction of completing it but also the benefits for […]

World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into A Living Person

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For decades, scientists have been studying the possibility of transplanting animal organs into humans to improve and save people’s lives, especially those in need of organ transplants. This procedure, known as xenotransplantation, involves transferring living cells, tissues, or organs from animals to humans. Although it has been a topic of debate, many people also want […]

Why Do Bees Have Queens?

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Did you know that honeybees are important for our ecosystem’s survival? They help pollinate plants that produce food for us and many animals. Without them, our ecosystem could collapse. So, we owe them a lot! But have you ever wondered how they work together to keep their colony safe? Honeybees live in hives with a […]

Fictional Wars- Episode 1: Texas vs California part 1

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The year is 2024. Texas has just succeeded from the U.S.A. after much trial and tribulation. The population is now 31 million, and it is rapidly growing. They are starting to rapidly build up their forces. Currently, the Army and Marines combined have a total number of 2.1 million men. The Air Force has 500k, […]

Scholars Use AI To Decipher Ancient Scroll Burned During Mount Vesuvius Eruption

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The Herculaneum Papyri is considered one of the most important archaeological discoveries since it’s the only surviving library from the ancient world.  It was discovered in 1752 and contains a collection of Greek philosophical texts written on papyrus scrolls. Over 1,800 papyrus scrolls were buried and burned for centuries under layers of volcanic ash and […]

Armed and Dangerous EP. 2

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“Successful heist. That deserves a vintage butterscotch dilly bar.” Ed said to Pedro while gently pulling the delicious treat out of the time freezer. “I thought DQ stopped making those 19 years ago,” Pedro said in amazement. “I have my personal stock. When we robbed Fort Knox 2 years ago, I stole about ten 6-pack […]

Kajsa Balto: Singer, Influencer, Activist

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In 2017, a 29-year-old Sámi Girl named Kajsa Sogn Balto, along with some of her friends, released her 1st album. Her Album was titled Sámi Sohka (Sámi Family.) The album was mostly rock covers of Norwegian and Sámi Folk songs. Little did she know, She was making a bigger difference than expected. Kajsa Balto was […]

NASA’s First and Long-Awaited Asteroid Sample Has Landed

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Since the very beginning of space exploration, scientists have always been dedicated to expanding the boundaries of our understanding of space and the universe.  Through decades of unwavering research, they have made groundbreaking discoveries about the mysteries of our universe. Moreover, they have developed innovations that have improved daily life, advanced medical research, and supported […]

A little About the Beatles

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The Beatles are considered one of the most influential bands in the history of music. Hailing from Liverpool, England, the band consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They formed in 1960 and quickly gained popularity in the UK before taking the United States by storm in 1964. The band’s sound […]

Here’s How an Alabama Woman Stuck In NYC Traffic In 1902 Invented The Windshield Wiper

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If you’ve ever gone on a drive with your parents on a rainy or snowy day, you’ve probably already witnessed how helpful windshield wipers are in clearing away rain, snow, or debris. But have you ever wondered how this ingenious invention came to be? Or whose brilliant mind invented this simple yet incredibly important feature […]