Kajsa Balto: Singer, Influencer, Activist

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In 2017, a 29-year-old Sámi Girl named Kajsa Sogn Balto, along with some of her friends, released her 1st album. Her Album was titled Sámi Sohka (Sámi Family.) The album was mostly rock covers of Norwegian and Sámi Folk songs. Little did she know, She was making a bigger difference than expected. Kajsa Balto was […]

A 12-Year-Old Art Prodigy Has Been Compared To Picasso

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Andres Valencia, a 12-year-old boy from California, is gaining attention for his large, colorful paintings influenced by Cubism. He creates imaginative artworks using a mix of oil sticks and oil and acrylic paint. When art pieces are large, Andres uses a step ladder to reach them. Recently, Andres painted “Romero,” a medium-sized piece featuring a […]

3 MORE Interesting Nordic Languages You Haven’t Heard Of

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Hej Everyone, It’s Carly. In November 2023, I made a post about 3 unique or interesting Nordic languages, and I found some more interesting Nordic languages that I wanted to share.  Jämtmål (Jämtlandic Swedish) Now, there is a pretty big debate about whether Jämtlandic Swedish is a Dialect or its own language. However, because it […]

Fictional Wars- Episode 1: Texas vs California part 1

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The year is 2024. Texas has just succeeded from the U.S.A. after much trial and tribulation. The population is now 31 million, and it is rapidly growing. They are starting to rapidly build up their forces. Currently, the Army and Marines combined have a total number of 2.1 million men. The Air Force has 500k, […]

The Book Series That Changed My Life – The Emigrants by Vilhelm Moberg

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Hej Everyone. it’s Carly. Out of the hundreds of books I read in my 14 years of living (almost 14 years, that is), There is one book series I really want to give a shout-out to. This series has changed my life, and I would like to make an article dedicated to it. The Emigrants […]

The Sweet History of Marshmallows

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Marshmallows are a favored treat that people of all ages enjoy. They’re sweet, delicious, and creamy, not to mention pillowy when you squish or bite down on them!  Whether it’s toasted over a campfire, melted into hot cocoa, dipped in chocolate fondue, used as a filling for baked goods, or topping for ice cream, marshmallows […]

40 Nordic Questions – 2024 version!

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So, I made a post back in October of last year called “40 Questions: Nordic Edition,” and that post is kinda outdated. So, I am gonna do another one for 2024. This is basically all from the point of view of a 13-year-old Nordic enthusiast help 40 Questions: Nordic Edition What aspects of Nordic culture […]

Backlash… for KidzNet User of the Year 2023

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Okay, so I intended KidzNet User of the Year 2023 (and KidzTalk too, but this post is about the KidzNet version) to be a peaceful voting ceremony where you nominate who you think influenced 2023 the most on here. Not a ceremony where people get upset because other people didn’t vote them and they (the […]

KidzNet User of the Year 2023

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New this year… KidzNet User of the Year 2023! A KidzTalk tradition originally hosted by Pumpkin, now by EloquentRacer92 has come to KidzNet for the first time… ever! Nominate who YOU think influenced 2023 the most on KidzNet! Nominations last all December – they start on December 1 (today) and end on December 31! Good […]

The Psychology of Bullying: Why Bullies Do It?

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Have you ever witnessed any of these things: A group of kids excluding one kid from playing with them or name-calling because of their appearance, interests, or background? The “popular boy” taunting, shoving, or hitting a smaller kid at the playground? The “mean girl” spreading rumors or gossiping about someone to make them look bad? […]

3 Interesting Nordic Languages You Haven’t Heard Of (Until Now)

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When we think of the Nordic languages, we can usually think of Languages like Swedish and Norwegian. Today, I will be talking about 3 different interesting Nordic languages that are spoken by very few people or have been used historically. This was very fun to research, so yea Finnglish (American Finnish) Just as the name […]

The Beatles’ ‘Final’ Song, ‘Now and Then,’ Released With The Help of AI Technology

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Have you ever heard of The Beatles? You might’ve already watched them on social media platforms like YouTube. Or maybe you’ve heard of them from your parents’ beloved music playlist. The Beatles – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison – were an English rock band from Liverpool in the 1960s. The band […]