Trouble Sleeping? Here’s How to Fall Asleep Fast

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Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It helps our bodies repair and rejuvenate, allowing us to wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead.  Sleep is also known to improve a person’s brain function, memory, and concentration. It also helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, lowers […]

Archaeologists Reveal The Face Of A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman

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Around 200,000 years ago, a group of ancient humans called Neanderthals or Homo neanderthalensis lived in Eurasia (Europe and Asia). But they mysteriously became extinct around 40,000 years ago and were replaced by Homo sapiens or modern-day humans. Researchers have studied Neanderthals’ physical appearance and found that they are similar to humans. However, they have […]

Adventure Time! (Come Along With Your Friends. We Go To Very Distant Lands with Jake The Dog And Finn the human. The Love Will Never End. It’s Adventure Time!

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Okay, guys, hello. Today’s topic is Adventure Time. Adventure Time is a Cartoon Network show that ran for 10 seasons and has been adapted into many movies. The show is about the two main protagonists, Jake, The Dog, and Finn, The Human. Jake is well… a dog! And Finn is… a human! The show tells […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 3- Texan-Californian War Pt. 3

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After the embarrassing failure at Chance Taylor Hill, General Thomas was stumped. He took every step needed for victory, but he started to doubt that. Meanwhile, on the Californian West Coast, Head Admiral Rivers was going to make the first landing on the beaches. On first sight of the Texan fleet, Californian President George Carlton […]

How Is Snow Made?

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When we hear about winter, the first thing we most likely associate with it is snow. Imagine the ground blanketed in white, fluffy cold ice crystals. And when you also try to catch the snow fluttering down the sky, you’ll notice each snowflake with unique patterns.  You’ll also see people shoveling, hear the crunch of […]

Why the Nordic Countries Have Similar Flags

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Hej Guys, It’s Carly.One thing that the Nordic countries, as a whole, are known for is their extremely similar flags.Because a lot of people are confused by the Nordic flags, This post will explain the Nordic flags, why they are very similar, and other things. The Daneborg – Standard Nordic Cross The Nordic flags, all […]

Why Do We Have A Leap Year, And Why Does It Have 366 Days?

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We’re almost at February 29, a special date that only comes around once every four years.  It’s a leap day—an extra day that gets added to the end of February of the calendar every four years.  It’s pretty cool, don’t you think? Normally, we have 365 days a year, but we get an extra day […]

Common Nordic Misconceptions Explained

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Hey Everyone, It’s Carly.I’ve noticed that my articles aren’t that popular anymore, I mean Kidznetters just care about the Animal stories, but I decided to do something by answering common misconceptions about Nordic Countries. Please Read this. 1# –  Åland: Swedish or Finnish? Åland Islands is a region that is just a group of tiny […]

What Happened To The Largest Primate Species Ever To Inhabit The Earth?

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Have you ever heard of the largest primate species to ever exist?  Meet the Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant ape that roamed southeast Asia 2 million to 300,000 years ago. This ancient primate stood up to 10 feet tall (3 meters) and weighed over 440 to 660 pounds (200–300 kg), approximately three to four times a […]

5 Great Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

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Every New Year, it’s become a tradition for people around the world to look back on the past year and start thinking about the year ahead.  Many reflect on improving themselves and making positive changes in their lives. This is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions at this time. These goals may range […]