Family is Forever (GravityCentered Original Story) Introduction part 1

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Alright! My new series has begun here. I will get to the setting and characters right about… NOW! Marley: a busy workaholic mom who loves her kids. Dirty blonde with a slim build. Kevin: a laid-back, happy-yet-sad dad who hasn’t seen his kids in years. Brown with a buff build. Jack: the 16-year-old son of […]

Role Play Group! Make An Acting Adventure!

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Artist@TheLouvre is here again, to say that I made an ROLE PLAY GROUP! Now I’m not a actor but some of y’all might be! And would love to do role playing and improvising with you guys! Have fun and make friends! NO BEING MEAN! ~Artist@TheLouvre~ Shout out to @gravitycentered for giving me some ideas!

Fictional Wars Ep. 2- Texan-Californian War Pt. 2

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It was time for the battle. (Color code: Californians are Green, Texans are Yellow) Division General Ford split up his forces, sending 50,000 men on his left side in an attempt to fool the Californians into thinking it was a flanking maneuver. General Thomas sent 50,000 men to reinforce his right side, leaving the center […]

The Winner of KidzNet User of the Year…

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For all of December, YOU guys (well, only a few people) have voted for who you thought impacted 2023 on KidzNet the most. The votes are in, and we have a winner (there was a tie for 1st place on KidzTalk). Four people got votes. But who won? This person. She loves Scandinavia. She’s chaotic. […]

I’m Running for President!

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Ok guys I’m running for Kidznet president. I’m sorry @gravitycentered that I’m running against you, but thanks for telling me how to campaign for president! You will get a shoutout in my Minecraft world, and so will you @vikinggirl26 cause you’re so nice and funny! Please all of you vote for me! PS. Can’t make […]


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You have five candidates to vote for: Me, GravityCentered, who is with the balance party and is campaigning for equality and quality in Kidznet, Mestyle, who is with no party that we know of and is campaigning for safety and better moderation in Kidznet. Harrypotherobssesedravenclawgirl, who is with no party that we know of and […]

I, @mestyle, am Running for President for the 2nd Half of the Election!

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Thank you for looking at this announcement. I saw that there was an election, and I thought “Why not?” I think this will be really fun. The voting, the deciding, all of it! Especially my opponent. GravityCentered isn’t half bad! I think we both have a good shot at winning. But if you choose to […]

2nd Half of 2023 KN Presidential Election

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THE 2ND HALF OF THE 2023 KN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HAS STARTED! I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! My party is the “balance” party. We go for equality among boys and girls here. My campaign slogan is: Equality and Quality. If you are running for president, please comment on the community wall that you are running. You […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action. *RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone. “Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said. “Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. […]

The Nintendo-Playstation Console Wars FINALE (for now) PART 4

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Alright, I’m making this as long, informational, and well-written as possible. “Why?” You may ask—because this was the last gen. This gen hasn’t had enough action to be written on yet, other than people almost killing each other for a PS5, along with the fact that I need more points to increase my rank and […]

A 10-year-old Girl Asked The Police To Test Sent DNA Sample To Determine If Santa Claus Is Real

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On December 25, 2022, a 10-year-old girl named Scarlett Doumato sent a partially-eaten cookie and two half-eaten baby carrots to the Cumberland Police Department.  With a handwritten note on yellow-lined paper, the aspiring investigator asked for a DNA analysis on the bagged-up carrots and cookies she left for Santa and his reindeer. This was to […]