Robot Sets Guinness Record for Solving Rubik’s Cube In Less Than A Second

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The Rubik’s Cube became a global craze during the 1980s, and its popularity continues even today, thanks to its simple yet challenging nature. Many people of all ages are drawn to solving this puzzle, seeing it as a fun and rewarding challenge. It’s not just the satisfaction of completing it but also the benefits for […]

A 12-Year-Old Art Prodigy Has Been Compared To Picasso

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Andres Valencia, a 12-year-old boy from California, is gaining attention for his large, colorful paintings influenced by Cubism. He creates imaginative artworks using a mix of oil sticks and oil and acrylic paint. When art pieces are large, Andres uses a step ladder to reach them. Recently, Andres painted “Romero,” a medium-sized piece featuring a […]

World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into A Living Person

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For decades, scientists have been studying the possibility of transplanting animal organs into humans to improve and save people’s lives, especially those in need of organ transplants. This procedure, known as xenotransplantation, involves transferring living cells, tissues, or organs from animals to humans. Although it has been a topic of debate, many people also want […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 4- Texan-Californian War Pt. 4 (Very Short)

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This series has been so much fun to write, and I’m glad y’all like it. +++++ The absolute bloodfest at Chandler Beach proved to the Texans that Californians could fight. It also proved to the Californians that Texan Marines would fight till the bitter end, no matter the cost. A weird thing about this war […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 3- Texan-Californian War Pt. 3

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After the embarrassing failure at Chance Taylor Hill, General Thomas was stumped. He took every step needed for victory, but he started to doubt that. Meanwhile, on the Californian West Coast, Head Admiral Rivers was going to make the first landing on the beaches. On first sight of the Texan fleet, Californian President George Carlton […]

How Do Fireflies Glow?

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Every now and then, you may catch a glimpse of fireflies emerging from the grass and trees. On a warm summer night, they illuminate the place with their soft, enchanting glow like tiny, twinkling stars flickering and dancing in the darkness. If you’ve already seen fireflies, I’m sure you’re familiar with the stunning beauty of […]

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails? This Might Be The Real Reason

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Have you ever noticed how your dogs (if you have pets at home) always seem to wag their tails? Let’s be honest. It’s one of the most adorable behaviors of dogs; you can particularly see it when you come home or when your dog spots another furry companion. But have you ever wondered why they […]

Lyndström, Minnesota – The Most Nordic City in the United States

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Ok. I am bored. So, here is a new article. This article shall be your Christmas gift! As some of you probably know, I am going to Minnesota in 6 months for my birthday (March 26, I’m turning 14!). Today, I am going to talk about the most Nordic city in the USA, the history […]

The Psychology of Bullying: Why Bullies Do It?

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Have you ever witnessed any of these things: A group of kids excluding one kid from playing with them or name-calling because of their appearance, interests, or background? The “popular boy” taunting, shoving, or hitting a smaller kid at the playground? The “mean girl” spreading rumors or gossiping about someone to make them look bad? […]

Moomin – A Nordic Kids’ Classic

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Have you ever heard of or seen Moomin? Most people do not recognize these hippo-like characters that appeared in comic books and movies, but these characters are a big deal in Finland and Sweden So, what is a Moomin in Finland? Moomin is a series of children’s books written in the 1940s by Tove Jansson. […]

The Psychology of Comfort Foods: Why We Crave Certain Foods When Stressed or Sad

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Have you ever found yourself craving your favorite comfort food when you’re down or stressed?  If you have, don’t worry. You’re not alone. We’ve all been there. I do, too! Maybe it’s eating a slice of pizza or two, a big bowl of creamy pasta, a bag of chips, or hearty chicken noodle soup. Perhaps […]

Northern Finland – A Real-Life Winter Wonderland

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Finland has always been known for being a very festive country for Christmas. In Southern and Central Finland, there are decorations and markets selling traditional Scandinavian crafts. But nothing can compare to the North of Finland as the Christmas capital of the world. Northern Finland, also known as Finnish Sápmi, is one of the biggest […]

Learn Langs With Duolingo!!! All About Duolingo

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Hi friends! It’s been a while since I sent my last post. Do you want to learn a new language but don’t know where to start? Well, I’m gonna tell you all about Duolingo, a free, fun, and effective way to learn a language online! Duolingo is a personalized and universally accessible online platform that […]

The Most Popular Holiday Toys for 2023

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As the holiday season approaches, I’m pretty sure many of us are getting into the Christmas spirit now. Some may even already be adorning their houses with decorations, eagerly preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Among the many things that make the holidays exciting, unwrapping presents is definitely one that many people […]

Meet Kirstin – American Girl’s Swedish Immigrant Doll

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In 1986, when the doll company American Girl was founded, they released 6 dolls inspired by American history. As a fellow Scandinavian history enthusiast, I was very surprised when I found out that they had a historical Swedish-American Immigrant doll. Even though I made a post on her on Kidztalk, I want to make a […]