Here are some important terms related to agriculture. Tilling – Tilling is to prepare and cultivate the land for crops. Sowing – Sowing is planting the seeds by scattering it on or in the earth. Manuring – Manuring is to apply manure (organic matter/fertilizer) to the land. Irrigation – Irrigation is the artificial application of […]
If you like Dachshunds please comment below and post your favorite photos!
This is a experiment that I will be making, it will be like this. I have no control over this group, anyone can say anything and you have to turn the group into something else. Okay? Good! Good luck!
We’re now on part 4 in our popular misconception series. If you haven’t read the other parts yet and want to catch up, you can read parts 1, 2, and 3 on KidzNet. I have gathered some of the most popular myths and misconceptions again. And without further ado, we’ll unpack them one by one, […]
I have a blog on KidzTalk, so you should check it out. I will post there every day, but this KidzNet thing is new. I recognized some KidzTalk names, so here I am. I was having problems before with my health, so I did not post, but now I am better.
So far there’s only the text of the bully story, but today were telling the story about a boy named Carmenile Whstrong. Carmenile always got teased because of his name car-men-nile whs-strong, every time there was a substitute teacher they said his name like Cartmannyle Whats-Strong. There was a kid named Harry who bothered him […]
Here is a little bit about me!! Also I’m bisexual!!!! So when I was born my dad had nothing to do with me, and so my mom was arguing with him one day, but remember I was a 6 month old when all this happened. So she was arguing with him and she got mad […]
Hi. I would like to shout out toooooooooooo MY BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! They don’t have kt or kn, but I still want to shout them out. I really miss them. They are at my old school going face to face while I’m stuck in virtual, but I still keep in contact with them and they are […]
A sky hook is made up of a cable and a weight, called a Tether. It is supposed to help spacecrafts go into orbit easily. Thus, helping planet to planet travel. It might decrease the traveling time between Earth and Mars from 9 months to 6, or even 3 months. It is supposed to spin […]
Hi KidzNet I hope you see this I was wondering how do I change my username if I’m logged in? -Eva
Many of us thought popular myths and misconceptions were “facts” before, because, let’s be honest, several of them may have been taught to us in school. We may have even have heard some from our parents, or other people time and time again. That’s why it’s important to call out all these false concepts so […]
Hi, I am new here. You can call me Jake. I hope I can make new friends in this app, Thank You. Please Like
Rocket League Meme
CHOOSE YOUR AVATAR!!!!!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CHOOSE YOUR WALLPAPER!!!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you guys have an amazing day! ~ With luv, Wraya <3
Last time, I shared with you some of the widespread misconceptions that people still believe to be true but are, in fact, inaccurate. I noticed that several of you were intrigued by what they have read, so I thought, why not make a series of posts about other popular misconceptions? For today, we’re going to […]
Do you use this in your school? It is a Daily Language Review pack. Please comment below.
So some people feel bad at school, like they don’t have friends, and some people can’t make any friends at all. And why, because they don’t know who they are, and people don’t know them for the real them. The world doesn’t need more lonely people, so that’s why it’s our job to make the […]
I really need your guys help do any. Do you have ideas ??