Bullying and How to Stop It

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There has been more and more talk about kids being bullied in the past decade or more. It seems the problem is more widespread than ever believed and is causing harm to children of all ages. In fact, school safety and crime data from 2019 reveal that 1 out of 5 students experienced bullying. Think about that. […]

The Not Seeing Thing

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There once was a boy who lived in an old creaky house. His parents always told him don’t to go into the forest but the boy always wanted to explore it. He saw lots of critters and lots of paranormal activity in the woods. There was an old legend that his parents used to tell […]

Records BROKEN, Art Drama, Coffee Discussion Gets POLITICAL… KIDZWEEK #2

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KidzWeek is a satirical weekly “news” source which aims to cover the drama and gossip surrounding the kidznet community.  This week has been quite controversial for KidzSearch, but not any more than usual. However, recent Allegations of art theft, spam posting, and a discussion about coffee that went political have rocked the foundation of the […]

Dinosaur Facts

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Here are some cool Dinosaur facts I learned in school. Birds are actually dinosaur descendants! If you look at their feet, they look like dinosaur foot prints. They both lay eggs too. Dinosaurs were very colorful and some even had colored feathers all over their body. Dinosaurs were on earth for about 160 million years. […]

Welcome to KidzNet

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Hello, welcome to the new KidzNet. I’m also new to the new KidzNet, and my name is EloquentRacer92. First, we start at the Main section. The section includes a member sidebar to the left, featured posts in the middle, and bookmarks, categories, and login to the right. Next, we head to the Members section. This […]

Things You May Not Have Noticed in the Harry Potter Movies!!!

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In the scene where Hermione and Harry use the Time Turner to go back in time and save Buckbeak from his unfortunate fate, both actors’ microphone packs can be seen under their shirts on their back as they creep around Hagrid’s pumpkin garden and attempt to get Buckbeak untied. Did you guys notice this thing? […]

Kidzsearch users Impressions (satire)

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Today I am going to make impressions of legendary KS users. This post is satire so don’t cancel me. My own impression is also included. Romi330 impression: Kidzsearch said something in the comments so I’m gonna copy and repost it instead of posting original content. JD2005 comment to literally anything: 👀 Pumpkin impression: What can […]

Rank information!

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Hello, Everyone So, I was wondering what the ranks were and what points were required. I remembered that KS posted this. I just wanted to repost because I think it’s helpful and more people should see it. @pumpkin, I swear I’m not posting for points. Newbie: 0 – 100 Novice: 101 – 2,000 Apprentice: 2,001 – […]

Info for the new image requirement.

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Privet, Everyone So, since the new requirement, I’ve gotten word about a certain website. KS told me about pixabay. It’s a website with royalty-free images. It will keep you out of certain legal copyright issues. You also won’t need to cite it or give sources. Alrighty, well thanks for reading. – Romi330

Email Notifications

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Dear KidzSearch, Even though I have turned off email notifications in my account settings, I still receive approx. 10+ emails from KidzNet each day (e.g. comment approvals, mentions etc.). Why is this happening? Why isn’t there a way to completely turn off email notifications? This is kinda annoying since I want to keep my mailbox […]