Some Cool Shark Facts!

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Sharks are some of the coolest creatures in the ocean! With over 500 different species, they come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny little guys to massive giants over 40 feet long. They live in every ocean on earth and play an important role in keeping it healthy and balanced. Despite what you might […]

Drone May Have Captured The First Image Of A Newborn Great White Shark

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Would you believe me if I told you that until recently, no one had ever seen a newborn baby shark alive in the wild? Believe it or not, no one had been able to identify where they were born before. Humans have only seen adult great whites; newborns were always a mystery. But on July […]

Sharks and Orcas- A Fishy Relationship

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Sharks. Great White Shark We look at them as scary beasts, and they can live up to that view. Great Whites eat nearly everything in the ocean. Some have been recorded taking on humpback whales. These guys are the top dogs of the ocean. Or are they? Meet: Orca Performing at Seaworld Seaworld performers? Yes, […]

Why Do Hammerhead Sharks Have Hammer-Shaped Heads?

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More than 500 shark species are in our planet’s oceans, and they come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. And I must say, the hammerhead sharks are perhaps one of the most peculiar yet cool-looking of all sharks. Hammerhead sharks, also known as sphyrnids, are cartilaginous fishes that belong to the family Sphyrnidae and the […]

Five Most Popular Misconceptions Debunked: Part 2

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Last time, I shared with you some of the widespread misconceptions that people still believe to be true but are, in fact, inaccurate. I noticed that several of you were intrigued by what they have read, so I thought, why not make a series of posts about other popular misconceptions? For today, we’re going to […]