Life of A Cookie Part 7 – In The Middle

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If you are interested in this post but have not seen my other stories, here’s the link! Anywho, I was hopelessly running from the polar bear chasing me, and I was trying to find somewhere I could go that it couldn’t. I scooted behind the pantry… The polar bear ran into the pantry with a bang. Then […]

Life of A Cookie Part 6 – The Polar Bear

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Well, if my readers have not been reading my past stories, here is the link. Now, while Crumbles was so hopelessly trapped in that fruit basket with a rather talkative apple, you might have caught in my past few stories that I rolled behind the oven after Johnathan dropped us. It was quite dark back […]

Life of A Cookie- Part 5- Apple Crisp

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NOTICE: READ CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 BEFORE READING THIS! Luckily, at the last second, Crumbles regained his balance and centered his weight. He hoped the chef had not heard him. From the tall table leg, he could just make out Checkers behind the pantry. Crumbles had hurt him on the inside, and he […]

Life of A Cookie- Part 4- The Tall Table

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IMPORTANT: READ Chapter 1, Chapter 2, AND Chapter 3 BEFORE READING THIS! “Now we are just going to have to do it if we are ever going to find Esie,” Crumbles said in a matter-of-fact tone. Checkers wasn’t flipping out anymore from the near-miss earlier with Johnathan. He wasn’t screaming now, he was actually not […]

Life of A Cookie- Part 3- Kitchen Crumbles

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IMPORTANT: See Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 before reading this. Luckily, we were all searing hot as the chef said, and Johnathan dropped us as quickly as the oven heats up. We all dropped to the ground on the kitchen floor and rolled in several different directions. Checkers was shrieking in fear. He and Crumbles […]

The Life Of A Cookie- Part 2- Melted Chocolate

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Important: Please see Chapter 1 before reading this! “Erm… That’s horrible….” I said cautiously. Checkers put on his exasperated face, “OF COURSE IT SOUNDS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!” “Y’all calm down! We can git out of this situation, ‘ya know?” Crumbles said. “WE LITERALLY JUST AGREED THERE IS NO WAY TO GET OUT OF THE OVEN!!!!!!!” He shrieked, “AND […]