What Are Black Holes?

How black holes are formed Black holes can be formed in many different ways. The most common way that a blackhole is formed is when two neutron stars over millions of years circle around each other and come together to form a black hole. What are black holes? Black holes are things that could potentially […]

Save The Trees!!!!!

Did you know that 42 million trees are cut down every DAY!?!?!?!?!? That is a lot of trees! We must work together to save the trees! Important Reasons Why We Need To Protect Trees: Comment below with your suggestions on how to save trees and why you feel it is important!

I Drew This Chibi.

Supplies Used: Markers, pencil, imagination, and perseverance. Who doesn’t think that Chibi are adorable? I love drawing anime and Chibi, but I still am not the best at it. So, what you do is try to make sure you always have a round head because Chibi are meant to look short and cute. You are […]