Venus is the hottest and brightest planet on our planet, with a surface temperature of about 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Take note: this temperature is hot enough to melt lead. Imagine how hot that is! The planet is well-known for its crushing pressures, thick, toxic atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide, and yellowish sulfuric acid clouds. Not […]
World War I, also known as First World War or, as I call it, WWI, which happened on 28 June 1914 to 11 November 1918, was one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. It was fought between two coalitions, the Allies ( I think it’s primarily France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and […]
OPINION: The usage of smartphones has exceedingly increased. This is because the owners have become younger and younger. Five years ago, the average age at which kids got their first smartphone was twelve years old. Last year, it was ten! That’s a very good thing. Smartphones have lots of reasons why kids should own them. […]
The most dangerous animal in the world is small but deadly. It’s a mosquito… A tiny, annoying insect that sucks your blood like a vampire. But how is a tiny pest so bad?? You would probably be like, “Nah, the most dangerous animal is a big cat or something.” Although encountering a lion in the […]
This is a chat where everyone can share their problems, and I give you advice! Just comment below, and I’ll comment back swiftly! Note that when you ask a question it will be open to the public. So if you’re brave, ask me anything! I’ll only give you my honest advice. Please don’t include anything […]
Who do you like better, Spider Man or Iron Man? Vote and post your answer in the comments!
Talk about your favorite anything in the comments. It could be your favorite color, animal, game, board game, or anything else!
Allen Lazard signed with Jets football team. He was on Aaron Roger’s wishlist to come to New York and play. Comment below with your thoughts!
Every March of the year, we celebrate National Women’s Month, highlighting women’s achievements and contributions to society, history, and culture. In honor and recognition of this event, we share a few stories of the first women in aviation—who risked everything to fly when opportunities for women were harshly limited. Here are five groundbreaking female pilots […]
This is a group where you talk about your day, what you want to do, what you’re thinking, or what you’re feeling. If you’re feeling down, others will cheer you on, or show you their empathy. If you’re feeling happy, way to go! Feel all the feels. This is just your everyday group chat where […]
Hi! This is Alex’s New group for Code lovers. Everything here will suit any user of any level, and you will be able to test your level from quizzes. Let us know your level and we will make lessons for you! Entering this group is free, and this is a social help group to develop […]
One of the earliest mermaids was in Syria around 1000 B.C. when the goddess Atargatis dove into a ocean to take the form of a fish. The god’s there would not let her give up her great beauty, so only her bottom turned into a fish and she kept her top half. Mermaids live in […]
If you could choose between being the character of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, or Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, which one would you choose to be and why? Answer in the comments below!
Let’s talk about a dream house. You can talk about paint, doors, frames, interior design, windows, and space of the house, and anything in a house basically. You can also talk about your own dream room in the comments.
Have you ever wondered how fast humans can run? Believe it or not, humans can be pretty fast. In history, Usain Bolt set a world record with an astonishing run of 9.58 seconds in 100 meters. Data also shows that he reached a top speed of 10.44 meters per second, which is 27½ miles per […]
The Cretaceous Period was a high-sea-level period when dinosaurs walked the Earth. It lasted for 80 million years, and was around about 145 to 65 million years ago! It was the ninth period of the Phanerozoic eon, and it was the third and last period of the Mesozoic era. The climate was as warm as […]
In what state or country do you live? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like? I’d love to hear about some traditions you have there in the comments.
Are you a video games fan? If you are, what do you use to play video games? What games do you like to play? If you are only allowed to play one video game, is it fun or boring? I am a video game fan and own a Nintendo Switch, a Nintendo Light, a 3DS, […]
In this post I put some “would you rather questions.” In the comments you can put what you would rather do, or you could put some of your own would you rather questions.
Who will win in a battle Bigfoot or Yeti? Vote and comment below!