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Hello everyone! Really, this is not an article about anything. I am running out of ideas for posts, so I need some suggestions from you. Here’s the chance for you to tell your favorite ideas. Technology Agriculture Astronomy Astrology Mathematic tips Physics Languages Aesthetics Social culture History of America/ Asia/Sri Lanka Ancient civilizations Geology Geography […]

Five Popular Misconceptions: Part 1

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There are widespread ideas that many people still believe to be true but are surprisingly scientifically inaccurate. Today, I’m going to share with you some of these popular misconceptions. We are going to unpack them one by one, including the truth behind them. Banana Fruit Grows on Trees Have you ever eaten a banana? If […]

A Season of Gratitude

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Every last Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated across the United States. But what is Thanksgiving? How did this holiday begin and, what does this day mean for us now? Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1789 by President George Washington. However, the holiday was celebrated off and on until 1942 when Congress officially […]

Top 10 Kidzsearch Users You Should Never Start A Fight With

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I guess you already know that I’m out of ideas since you read the title. But at least I don’t clickbait. Today we’re actually gonna go over the top 10 kidzsearch users who you shouldn’t pick a fight with. This is a kidzweek special edition. — #1) KidzSearch Okay guys, #1 is kidzsearch. I think […]

RATE THIS POST 1 STAR (My Worst Post Ever)

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What’s up Kidzsearchers! (did that make you cringe?) I want to make this  the lowest-rated post in kidzsearch history.  This is basically the opposite of clout-chasing. Instead of love, I want hate. I will start off by saying controversial things and terrible opinions. All you have to do is give me the hate 😠😠😠 Pineapple […]

Are we allowed to give out monetary prizes for certain challenges?

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Goddag, KS I was wondering since I like hosting challenges and giveaways. Are we (the KN community that isn’t staff) allowed to give away monetary prizes such as gift cards and crypto? I have a lot of ideas in mind when it comes to this stuff. Would we have to give you (staff) the codes or […]