A few Hacks and Facts on KidzSearch

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Delete Notifications Here is how to easily delete notifications. There will be a checkbox on the left side of the notifications in your KN profile. Check it, and down below all your notifications there will be a box which says bulk actions. Change it to delete, or mark them as read. Photos in Posts Did […]

When is your Birthday? Let’s celebrate!!! By Alex

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Hi everyone!! When’s your birthday? Comment below and we all  can celebrate it here as one. Just the month and date is enough. Year is not wanted. Please tell the date 5-6 days before your birthday. We all will celebrate it by texting “happy birthday” to you here and MAKE A SPECIAL POST FOR YOUR […]

Types Of Clouds

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Below is a list of the most common types of cloud formations. Stratocumulus Stratus Cumulonimbus Nimbostratus Altocumulus Altostratus Cumulus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus Cirrus Scud Clouds Watch the video below to learn more about these types of clouds.

A New Study Claims Mushrooms Can Communicate With Each Other

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Have you ever stopped and wondered if plants can talk to each other? That sounds amazing if it’s real, right? But what if I tell you there has been a study that suggests mushrooms can speak to each other? Yes. You heard me right. It’s possible that mushrooms can actually communicate with each other! Recent […]

What are chainsaws? (part I intro.) -By Alex

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Hi friends, Are you a person who is interested in tech? Then this suits you!! Today we’ll be talking about CHAINSAWS. READ THIS ARTICLE TO GET TO KNOW ABOUT CHAINSAWS. Fig 5 :a sawyer cutting a tree using a chainsaw Fig 6 : An Ice sculpture made with a chainsaw            […]

Variables in C++

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In this post I will introduce you to variables and how do they work. I will also show you how to write them in C++. Let’s go on. Variables are object, or keywords that carry on information, such as letters, symbols, numbers etc. In C++, we classify those variables into string variables (string), int variables […]

All about Brushless Motors >Part I (intro.)- By Alex

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Hello everyone and welcome again to the world of tech. There are many types of motors which are used to get thing done in our day to day lives. These include stepper motors, brushless motors, and brushed motors. Today we are going to find out what brushless motors are and how they work with info […]

The World’s Smallest Cat: Rusty-spotted Cat

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There are about 10 million animal species living on our planet, and they all come in diverse shapes, sizes, and colors. From the smallest to the largest living animal—there’s no denying that they come in incredible diversity. Did you know that there’s a cat species so small it can actually fit in the palm of […]

Most Distant Star Ever Found by Hubble Space Telescope

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Another astonishing breakthrough for astronomy has happened. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has spotted the farthest and one of the most ancient stars known in the galaxy. Astronomers nicknamed the detected star, Earendel, which was derived from the Old English word that means “morning star” or “rising light.” It was also named after a character whose […]