The Story of Toyota Cars

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Toyota – MY FAVORITE CAR. TODAY, LET ME TELL YOU THE STORY OF TOYOTA. A boy named Kiichiro Toyoda was born on June 11th, 1894. He came from a poor family. Later in life he created a factory that made textile looms, which are like industrial sewing machines as shown below. In 1921 he travel […]


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I know, I might sound kind of weird but one of my favorite animals are Tarantulas… Tarantulas give people the creeps because they have large, hairy bodies and legs. While these large spiders can take a painful bite out of a human, a tarantula’s venom has a low toxicity to people. Tarantulas move slowly on […]

Choose Between Two

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Help me choose between two so you can know me better! In the comments, write something like, dinner with mom or dad? Or, Chick-Fil-A or Whataburger? I will try to answer your questions as soon as time allows, and if you are lucky, I may give you a Dad Joke or two. I think this […]

Math Club

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Love math? Hate math? Need homework help? This group is for you! Welcome to Math Club! Math Club is an educational group, made up for anyone who needs help in math. Anyone, regardless of age, can join this group and give his/her opinion about random subtopics, that of course, are related to math. Ask, learn, […]

Where Have I Been?

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Good morning! Most of you know me, some do not. For those of you that don’t, this might not apply to you. Anyway, let’s get real. I haven’t been active at all. In fact, I’ve only logged on about 5 times in the last two months. I will be leaving the KidzNet community for a […]

Alien Octopuses: A Scientific Paper Claims They Came From Outer Space

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Octopuses are one of the most extraordinary and mysterious sea creatures living on our planet. Due to their amazing yet bizarre qualities, they are also often considered the monsters of the deep, along with other cephalopods like squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses. Did you ever think that they might be aliens? Well, you might be right! […]

The Jewish Religion is Cool!

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Jews are people who are Jewish. One Jewish holiday is Shabbat. Shabbat happens every Friday at sundown. We light two candles on high stands to celebrate it. It lasts until evening on Saturday. Shabbat is basically a day of rest. The Torah mentions it and tells us that no work should be done during this period.  In […]