What If People Lived in Floating Cities?

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Throughout history, humans have been confined to landmasses when establishing permanent settlements. But what if that’s all about to change? What if humans took to the sea, not only to explore it, but to- settle it? If the Seasteading Institute accomplishes its goal of creating the first permanent cities at sea, your future could involve living […]

The Truth: Does Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water?

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Have you ever experienced opening up your fridge to get some ice cubes for your drink but were welcomed with empty trays instead? It’s kind of frustrating, right? But did you know there’s a simple and quite effective way to make ice cubes quickly? And that is to use hot water instead of cold! Yes, […]

Jupiter’s Moon Europa May Have Water Oceans With Life

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if there’s another place aside from Earth that could harbor life? Well, this idea might not be as far-fetched as we think. Scientists have recently discovered a promising place that may have water where life could exist: Jupiter’s moon Europa. A recent study published in Nature Communications proclaimed that Jupiter’s moon […]