Fictional Wars- Episode 1: Texas vs California part 1

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The year is 2024. Texas has just succeeded from the U.S.A. after much trial and tribulation. The population is now 31 million, and it is rapidly growing. They are starting to rapidly build up their forces. Currently, the Army and Marines combined have a total number of 2.1 million men. The Air Force has 500k, […]

Wojtek: The Bear That Fought The Nazis In World War II

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During World War II, countless brave soldiers and civilians fought for their countries and sacrificed their lives for the greater good.  But among these war heroes, would you believe me if I told you that not only humans but also animals played a vital role in the war effort? Yes, you read that right – […]

Causes of the War of 1812

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The War of 1812, fought between the U.S. and Great Britain, is considered the war that confirms that the U.S. was independent of Britain. It happened from June 18, 1812, to February 17, 1815. The three main causes of the war were the disruption of the American shipping trade, the related impressment of American sailors, […]

Meet Patron, The Bomb-Sniffing Jack Russell Terrier Hero in Ukraine

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Not all heroes wear capes. Some have furry coats, wagging tails, and floppy ears. Meet Patron, a 2-year-old Jack Russell terrier who has been saving lives in the war in Ukraine by discovering dangerous explosive devices. He was able to locate and help neutralize over 150 dangerous Russian bombs and landmines left by Russians since […]

Nathan Hale

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Nathan Hale: Colonial Spy Nathan Hale should be an example to us all. He did what not many human beings would be willing to do: lay down his life for his country. His selflessness set an example for many who were to come and he was a forerunner for the American Revolution. Nathan Hale was […]