Daily funny jokes for kids #8 June 26th 2022 What fruit has to put on sunscreen at the beach? What doesn’t get any wetter no matter how much it rains? What is a gust of wind’s favorite color?
Here is a multi-part riddle. The questions are all related in some way. Read it carefully before you answer. 1. There are 507 bricks on a plane. One falls off. How many are left? 2. How do you fit a giraffe in the fridge? 3. How do you fit an elephant in a fridge? 4. […]
Daily funny jokes for kids #6 June 24th 2022 Why did the alien go to the doctor? What did Venus say to Saturn? What do you call ticks in space?
Daily funny jokes for kids #4 June 22th 2022 What has six eyes but cannot see? What is an astronaut’s favorite button on a keyboard? How do you know when the moon has had enough to eat?
Which One? 1) Denica and Eirene are my elder sisters. Both of them wrote two sentences about Ostrich/Ostriches. Which of the following is correct? Denica’s one – Ostrich can fly Eirene’s one – Ostriches can fly answer – What Color/Colour? 2) In a one-story blue house, there was a blue cat, a blue fish, a […]
Daily funny kids for kids #3 June 21th 2022. What’s a cat’s favorite color? What do ducks love to put in their soup? Why did the lion spit out the clown?
Daily Funny Jokes For Kids #2 June 20th 2022 Where is a cow’s favorite place to go? What do you call an alligator that solves mysteries? Why didn’t the frog park his car on the street?
Hey guys! Do not LAUGH OUT LOUD!! (OMG I am doing it already though …. hahaha) these tricky riddles will definitely make you do it!!! Try them out ! OMG! 1.There’s only one word in the dictionary that’s spelled wrong. What is it? It Comes First But There…. It’s the only place in the world […]
I proudly present part 11, a great milestone in my riddle project. Here are two easy but TRICKY riddles. Try to answer it and have fun!! You Do It!! You bury half of me when I am alive, and dig me up to throw me away when I die. What am I? Do And Do […]
Hi there! I proudly present the 10th part of my riddle project. I hope you’ll enjoy today’s riddles!!! I’m Here and There! 1. You see me once in June, twice in November, and not at all in May. What am I? Answer – 2. There is a four letter word that can be written forward, […]
I brought you a couple of easy riddles, but also a bit tricky ones too. Let’s try to solve the riddles!! I hope you will like them! Ah Really!! 1. It’s so fragile that even just saying its name can break it. Most teachers shout at us for breaking it. What is it? Answer – […]
Today I brought you a couple of hard riddles. Let’s try to solve it. it you can’t you can also check the answer!! Who’s first??? 1. A person bought a fox, a sheep, and a cabbage at a fair one day. While going home, he came to a stream. The only boat he could use […]
This is the 7th part of my riddle project. I hope you will enjoy the riddles which I have chosen for today. Four men 1.What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing? Answer – Who lives there??? 2. Mr. Blue lives in the blue house. Mr. Yellow lives in the […]
1. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? One Hard Riddle For You… 2. What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What […]
Fun riddles for May 30th, 2022. Difficulty: easy Riddle #1 – I have a head and a tail, but I don’t have a body. What am I? Riddle #2 – Maria’s dad has 4 daughters, Kelly, Agnes, Rose and __? Riddle #3 – How many months have 28 days? The Answers:
Let’s try to answer the 4th part!!!! Mercury, Earth and Mars, but Not Venus 1. You will always find me in Mercury, Earth, and Mars, but never in Venus. What am I? Easy To Get Into 2. What is easy to get into, but very hard to get out?
Here’s part three for you. Can you guess the answers? Once in a Life Time and Twice in a Moment 1. What always happens once in a lifetime, twice in a moment, but never in a hundred years? Five Letter Word 2. What is the only word that has five letters but sounds like one letter. […]
What starts with a T and ends with T and has T?
What are two things you can never eat for breakfast? What is coming but never arrives? What can be broken but never held? What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary? What lives if it is fed, and dies when you give it a drink? What can you catch but not throw?
Why doesn’t the Ender Dragon understand books? Why do dragons rap a lot? What do you get when you put a dragon in a hockey rink? How do you find out a dragon’s weight?