Hello, wonderful people! Today’s news: I’m stumped. I have no clue what my next post should be about. Please give me ideas in the comments; if I, @mesal1kepugz27, like your comment, I’m considering it. Thank you for helping me. I truly appreciate you, but I don’t know what to write! Also, while writing this, I […]
Hello everyone! Really, this is not an article about anything. I am running out of ideas for posts, so I need some suggestions from you. Here’s the chance for you to tell your favorite ideas. Technology Agriculture Astronomy Astrology Mathematic tips Physics Languages Aesthetics Social culture History of America/ Asia/Sri Lanka Ancient civilizations Geology Geography […]
I sent a message about the live chat idea previously. As it was too long, I thought of converting it to a post! If you read the message, this is basically the same one. Just tell your ideas about it here. I see KidzSearch as a very good app for kids – cuz this […]
Minecraft is a very improved game. With 1.18 just coming out and caves being expanded, there are more opportunities than ever to stretch and improve. Let’s go over some upgrades Minecraft should add that would enhance our gameplay. Number 1: Ender Dragon Eggs I have not heard of a Minecraft player that does not want […]