The Nintendo-Playstation Console Wars FINALE (for now) PART 4

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Alright, I’m making this as long, informational, and well-written as possible. “Why?” You may ask—because this was the last gen. This gen hasn’t had enough action to be written on yet, other than people almost killing each other for a PS5, along with the fact that I need more points to increase my rank and […]

The History of the Two Most Popular Gaming Consoles (PART 2!)

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We’re continuing our post about the two most popular gaming consoles. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, you can read it here on Kidznet. Ahhhhh. The gaming community. So peaceful. So mature. So- (cut to riots, war, and violence). Picking up right where we left off, the DualShock was a revolutionary controller. While the […]

The Story Of The Two Most Popular Gaming Consoles War

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The story of the PlayStation and Nintendo console war is a long one. A possible collab became a full-on war between the companies for 29 years. From crash bandicoot roasting Nintendo right in front of its doorsteps to “Wii would like to play with you,” this is the history of the nintendo-playstation scuffle. The history […]