You As Only You Are!

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A Short Story After leaving the food court, Brittany and Allyson cut through a department store on their way out of the mall. They cruised past racks of fashion when a stylish dress caught Brittany’s eye. She grabbed Allyson by the arm and pulled her over to it. “This outfit would make you look amazing!” Brittany […]

Be Different, Be Nice, And Smile

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You don’t have to change who you are to anyone! You can be yourself! Be nice! Don’t be mean. The Bible says, “thou love thy neighbors as thy love thy enemies”. If you do want to be treated a certain way don’t treat them like that. Smiling can always make someone’s day! Even when someone […]

Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken.

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Technology, Media, and Social Media are great tools and gifts to society, but sometimes they can distract us from becoming our true best self. While social media can connect us with people, allow us to learn new things, and have a platform for creativity and self-expression, it comes with negatives. Social media has us constantly […]