Two Teens Invented Innovative Device to Combat Microplastics Pollution

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Pollution has become one of our planet’s most pressing environmental threats. Things like plastic bottles and waste from factories are continuously harming our environment. This trash ends up in the ocean and other bodies of water, harming water quality, polluting the environment, and spreading diseases and parasites. Microplastics have made the problem even worse. These […]

Want To Be Your Cat’s Favorite Human? Read This!

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These are some things to note to become your fabulous pet cats’ preferred human. But please keep in mind that all cats are different. So, if you have a cat that is the opposite of some of these things, you don’t need to let me know. I got all these notes from YouTube. Enjoy! 1. […]

10 Historic Firsts For Women

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Throughout history, women have faced immense challenges in a largely male-dominated society. They were often denied basic rights and opportunities, and their achievements were overshadowed by gender biases.  However, many incredible women have defied expectations and achieved remarkable “firsts” across various fields. While women still encounter inequality in our society, these pioneering women teach us […]

The First Mexican Taco Stand To Get A Michelin Star

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In the food industry, a Michelin star is awarded to the best restaurants in a city, giving them prestige and attracting more customers.  Restaurants with a Michelin Star are known for their exceptional cooking, which is based on five main criteria: ingredient quality, flavor harmony, cooking techniques, the chef’s personality shown through the cuisine, and […]

Why the Nordic Countries Have Similar Flags

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Hej Guys, It’s Carly.One thing that the Nordic countries, as a whole, are known for is their extremely similar flags.Because a lot of people are confused by the Nordic flags, This post will explain the Nordic flags, why they are very similar, and other things. The Daneborg – Standard Nordic Cross The Nordic flags, all […]

40 Nordic Questions – 2024 version!

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So, I made a post back in October of last year called “40 Questions: Nordic Edition,” and that post is kinda outdated. So, I am gonna do another one for 2024. This is basically all from the point of view of a 13-year-old Nordic enthusiast help 40 Questions: Nordic Edition What aspects of Nordic culture […]

Very Important Reveal – Jase

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So, dear friends, I hope this post finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share something important with you. As some of you may know, I have been using this platform under the guise of a boy. I did this because I wanted to promote the idea that boys should help girls […]

Mexican Ecologists Are Fighting To Save Axolotls

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Have you ever heard of an animal with an incredible ability to regenerate its body parts? Meet the axolotl or Ambystoma mexicanum, a fascinating animal known for its remarkable regenerative powers. This unique amphibian can regenerate its limbs, spinal cord, heart, and other organs!  Amazing, right? With their extraordinary regenerative abilities, scientists believe axolotls are […]

New Drug Could Extend A Dog’s Life

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As pet lovers, we all know the fun and friendship our furry friends bring into our lives—not to mention the priceless love and loyalty they give us. They are more than just pets; they are our family. And just like any other family member, we want them to be with us for as long as […]

Where Does Oil Come From? The Myth About Fossil Fuels and Dinosaurs Debunked

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Oil is an important resource that you can see everywhere around us. It plays an essential part in the quality of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.  From transportation and heating, to electricity and manufacturing essential products for our daily routine, like household appliances, computers, plastics, paint, and cosmetics, the […]

9 Most Loved Fictional Characters Ever Created…

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Some characters are so memorable that they stay with us long after we finish reading their stories. They make us laugh, cry, think, and feel. They inspire us, challenge us, and comfort us. They become our friends, our role models, our heroes. Here are 9 of the most loved fictional characters ever created and why […]

I Am Running For KN President!!!

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As with Guest, I, too, saw the election and thought, why not? I want to run for election because even if I probably won’t win, it’ll be fun competing with others. Also, thank you for reading this. I will try to help with conflicts to the best of my abilities. So please pick me for […]


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You have five candidates to vote for: Me, GravityCentered, who is with the balance party and is campaigning for equality and quality in Kidznet, Mestyle, who is with no party that we know of and is campaigning for safety and better moderation in Kidznet. Harrypotherobssesedravenclawgirl, who is with no party that we know of and […]

KidzNet 2023 User Of The Year: Esie

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We are pleased to announce our first ever official KidzNet User Of The Year. The title goes to @esie! Esie has written 148 wonderful high-quality original articles covering a variety of interesting subjects. No other user comes close. She is also the top ranked user in terms of points too. When the new version of […]

2nd Half of 2023 KN Presidential Election

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THE 2ND HALF OF THE 2023 KN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HAS STARTED! I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! My party is the “balance” party. We go for equality among boys and girls here. My campaign slogan is: Equality and Quality. If you are running for president, please comment on the community wall that you are running. You […]

How Cardboard is Made. Part 1, Some Basic Info

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There are various uses for cardboard, hardcover books, files, etc. There are 3  main types of cardboard, 1st quality, 2nd quality, and finally, millboard. Which one of these you use depends on the quality and the strength you need. 1st is the costliest and strongest.  2nd is intermediate. People usually mix something else other than […]

Artificial Intelligence- What Is It, How It Is Used, Benefits, Drawbacks, and News!!!

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Hi friends! So I’m going to talk about a very interesting topic in technology! I hope this post may also be useful for your knowledge and any school work. Artificial Intelligence: What is it, how is it used, and its benefits and drawbacks? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines or software to perform […]

Trouble Sleeping? Here’s How to Fall Asleep Fast

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Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It helps our bodies repair and rejuvenate, allowing us to wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead.  Sleep is also known to improve a person’s brain function, memory, and concentration. It also helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, lowers […]

10 Delicious and Healthy Snacks for Kids

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Whether you’re a kid or an adult, snacks are an excellent pick-me-up no matter the time of the day. They’re perfect while you’re studying, completing tasks, enjoying a movie or video game, or relaxing with loved ones. Snacks are also an essential part of our daily routine. They not only help keep our hunger at […]