Astronomers Ready for the First Glimpse of an Ever-burning World

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Have you ever wondered what the place known as Hell might really look like? Imagine a world that burns ceaselessly and eternally, with fires that burn forever. Sounds eerie yet cool, right? Finally, getting a glimpse of a world like that is not as far-fetched as we think anymore. For the first time, NASA astronomers […]

The Girl In The Mirror Part 1

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( Fictional) There once was a 6-year-old small boy named Xavier. His parents were already dead, and they died in a car crash when he was 3. Another unfortunate victim of this event was his older sister, who was Xavier’s age now (6 years old) when she died. Xavier now lives with his aunt, a […]

Back-to-School Tips for Students

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Is it time to go back to school again? You might feel excited about returning to school after a break to see your friends again and learn new things. But let’s be honest: there’s also THAT feeling of anxiety or worry. Maybe you’re wondering how tough your classes will be, how you’ll interact with your […]

Back To School Time!!!

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It’s me, Flowergirl2024!!!  Well, with school starting back up, I decided to write a article about school!!! Well, are you ready? Tell me in the comments!!! So, do you like school ? Or is it bittersweet? (Well it is to me). But What grade are you going to?? Tell me in the comments! When do […]

SpongeBob SquarePants Is Autistic, Voice Actor Confirms

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Have any of you seen SpongeBob SquarePants? It’s a popular animated Nickelodeon series known for its quirky antics, positivity, and fun. If you’ve already watched it, I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with the funny SpongeBob moments and jokes. And who can forget that catchy theme song? Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob […]

Rare White Buffalo Calf Born in Yellowstone National Park

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In June 2024, a rare white buffalo calf was born in Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park.  A photographer named Erin Braaten captured these amazing photos of the young calf on June 4, 2024. The photo was taken as a group of bison were crossing a road, causing the traffic to come to a stop.  […]

Farewell for Now: From @alex-kn-jason💕😊😞

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Dear Kidznetters, It’s with a mix of emotions that I write this post. Life has a way of pulling us in different directions, especially schoolwork. For now, I need to step away from KidzNet. But before I go, I want to express my gratitude and share a cherished memory with all of you. Our campaign […]

Is The 5-Second Rule True?

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I’m pretty sure you’ve already heard of this popular belief, the 5-second rule, that the food dropped on the floor is safe to eat if you pick it up within 5 seconds.  You might even have believed at some point that if you pick up food quickly enough, bacteria will not transfer from the floor […]

World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into A Living Person

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For decades, scientists have been studying the possibility of transplanting animal organs into humans to improve and save people’s lives, especially those in need of organ transplants. This procedure, known as xenotransplantation, involves transferring living cells, tissues, or organs from animals to humans. Although it has been a topic of debate, many people also want […]

Guys, I’m LGBTQIA+

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Okay, guys, I think the title says it all: im LGBTQIA+. LGBTQIA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, etc. Lesbian means you are a girl who likes girls, gay means you’re a boy who likes boys, and bisexual means you like both boys and girls. You can just Google the rest. What […]


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Justin The humans were originally going to build a rocket to the moon, but because of this event, they changed their plans to a trip to California. I’m Justin—Justin Case. (Ha, ha, pause for comedic laughter.) I live in Texas and am about to move to California. You got that right. I’m their lab rat, […]

Do Goldfish Really Have A 3-Second Memory? Debunking This Popular Myth

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I’m sure you’ve already heard about the myth that goldfish have a memory span of only three seconds. Many of us have believed this is true, but what if I tell you that it’s actually wrong? Yes. You read that right! It turns out that Dory, from the movie Finding Dory, would not have a […]

Should Animals be Kept in Captivity? My Opinion

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Do you think animals should or should not be held in captivity? Some people say that animals should be in the wild to do whatever they want, and have other animals that can do whatever they want to try to “have them over for dinner.” They should have blissful days not being in captivity, and […]

Harry Potter Minecraft Project Update!!!!!!

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Good morning my beautiful people!!!!!! Today I am gonna update y’all on my Harry Potter project!!!!!! Lets begin!👩‍🏫👻 I am still working on the gringots area but I will try to finish tomorrow!!!!!! For the muggle area I have got some build hacks that make actual functioning road lights!!!! 🙃. I’ve already got the Dursleys […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 4- Texan-Californian War Pt. 4 (Very Short)

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This series has been so much fun to write, and I’m glad y’all like it. +++++ The absolute bloodfest at Chandler Beach proved to the Texans that Californians could fight. It also proved to the Californians that Texan Marines would fight till the bitter end, no matter the cost. A weird thing about this war […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 3- Texan-Californian War Pt. 3

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After the embarrassing failure at Chance Taylor Hill, General Thomas was stumped. He took every step needed for victory, but he started to doubt that. Meanwhile, on the Californian West Coast, Head Admiral Rivers was going to make the first landing on the beaches. On first sight of the Texan fleet, Californian President George Carlton […]

How Do Fireflies Glow?

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Every now and then, you may catch a glimpse of fireflies emerging from the grass and trees. On a warm summer night, they illuminate the place with their soft, enchanting glow like tiny, twinkling stars flickering and dancing in the darkness. If you’ve already seen fireflies, I’m sure you’re familiar with the stunning beauty of […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 2- Texan-Californian War Pt. 2

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It was time for the battle. (Color code: Californians are Green, Texans are Yellow) Division General Ford split up his forces, sending 50,000 men on his left side in an attempt to fool the Californians into thinking it was a flanking maneuver. General Thomas sent 50,000 men to reinforce his right side, leaving the center […]