Community Helpers are users in the community that aren’t staff. These people enjoy guiding new users when it’s needed. The users in the group must be people who are familiar with the site and can help with more complicated mechanics.
Somveda’s posts.
Use this group to talk about Harry Potter stuff!
Take our ultimate Hogwarts quiz to see how well you really know Harry Potter. Are there any wizards out there who got them all correct? Let us know in the comments!
Bonjour, KS What is the future of Ranks? I’ve seen the ranks underneath our names. For everyone, it says “Rank: Newbie.” Do these ranks evolve through points/time, or are they static as of now? Also, are there going to be custom ranks for people who request them, like OGs and Legendary? You could as add permissions […]
Shalom, KS I was just wondering, will there ever be any applications for this? You might not remember, but in 2018/19, I sent you a message asking whether or not there are M/A apps. I recall you telling me that there aren’t any but that you’ll take me into consideration, if they are available. I assume […]
Use this group to get support using KidzNet, or to suggest improvements. You can also provide feedback on any site issues.
If anyone see this, feel free to say stuff about it, and give me ideas of what to do next!! Anyone Can!
Salut, Everyone I just wanted to say that you shouldn’t leave KidzNet, trust me. Updates will come, groups will arrive. Everything will be better and faster. There will be private messaging (maybe even stories😉.) You need to stay, don’t you want to see the future of KidzNet? This new update not only brings more people, but […]
Use this form to request a group. Please attach a large featured image (1200×628 is good) representing your group. All groups will be public and open to everyone on KidzNet. Free Image Resources: Pixabay, Unsplash, PXFuel
My dad and I went deer hunting on Fort Benning. We didn’t find anything yet but we want to get some scent and a deer caller to attract more deer. I want to make chicken-fried Venison from the fillet minion part. It is was pretty chilly outside but I enjoyed it. I also found that […]
I wanted to change by background photo, but it said I needed a ” verified kidznet account.” I’ll be blunt, that’s kinda dumb. If anything what can I do to “verify my account.“
Listen to “Paula” by KSHMR here. Lyrics: Holy water in my eyesEverything you mean to me gets harder to describeHold me, Mama, don’t you cryYou have been my everything, now let me be your light And tell me, tell me one more timeAll the angels waiting there for you when you arriveShow me how to […]
Hola, KS I was just thinking, why not add stories. Like the ones in Snapchat and Instagram. Instead of videos, you could post quick little messages. Sort of like a daily status. Status’ would be pretty nice, too! Maybe adding Pronoun settings could be helpful, as well. Just a nice thought I had. – Romi330
Take this quiz to see if you are a dog or cat! Let us know what you got in the comments. Did it match what you were expecting?
Just downloaded my data export and noticed this. Does this mean that groups are coming back? Kinda hype not gonna lie.
I haven’t been around in a while, but whatever happened to the idea for KidzArt? Is that still being made? Or has it been canceled? I’m just curious.
Harriet Tubman was born in Maryland around 1822. She was enslaved (make someone a slave). She died in Auburn, New York, on March 10th, 1913. When she grew up she helped many enslavers to escape and go to freedom.
Well, what do you think of it? I liked the old version better. All my friends are gone, my points are lost, and the best feature- private messaging system is gone! KS, I and forgxtten were planning to do a co-op and without the private messaging feature, we can’t do it! We need to discuss […]
Horses are awesome. Do you agree?