Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken.

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Technology, Media, and Social Media are great tools and gifts to society, but sometimes they can distract us from becoming our true best self. While social media can connect us with people, allow us to learn new things, and have a platform for creativity and self-expression, it comes with negatives. Social media has us constantly […]

Calling All Synesthetes! (Don’t worry, I’ll explain.)

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Read the full KidzTalk post to learn exactly what I’m talking about. A synesthete is a person who has a mental phenomenon (but not disorder) called synesthesia (or synaesthesia). I am currently  writing a science research paper about it, and I was wondering if any of you have this condition and could talk to me about it. […]

What is Agere (Age Regression)?

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Agere, or Age Regression is when someone reverts into a headspace called littlespace. People may use age regression to find mental peace and safety, like they did when they were a little child. It can be involuntary or voluntary. it can be used as a coping mechanism, or just for fun. Ages you can regress […]

Personality Quiz

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Based on the research of psychology Professor David Keirsey, we can all be categorized according to four different personality groups: Artisan – flexible and fun-loving. Rational – abstract and objective thinker. Einstein had a rational personality. Idealist – a dreamer who thinks anything is possible. Guardian – always focused on your responsibilities, Take this short […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 2)

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Today I’m going to continue with part 2 of my Tips To Manage Your Anxiety series. Last time I brought up tips to help with your breathing and meditation, and today I’m going to focus on how achieving a healthy lifestyle and workout routine could be beneficial to your anxiety and overall well-being. Get exercise […]

4 Learning Styles

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Have you ever stared at a formula on the classroom wall and it looks like gibberish written in a foreign language? Have you ever been in class and for some reason all you hear is the teacher’s voice from the Charlie Brown movies? Never fear, these things do not mean something is wrong with your […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 1)

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I’ve suffered from anxiety since I was 3 years old, and during that time I’ve discovered a wide variety of strategies to help me cope with it. I encourage you to try each strategy so you can find the best one for you and I hope my personal strategies to conquer anxiety can help you […]

5 Tips for Kids to Make Friends

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Making friends seems easy for many kids, but for others, it’s more complicated. Having someone you like and trust to play with, or even just to hang out and watch TV has many benefits. Friends make you happy, relieve stress, and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated. Here are 5 tips on how to […]

Best Study Tips For Kids

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All of your life, you have been learning new skills. When you were five years old, someone taught you how to tie your shoes. At age six, you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Fast forward to your pre-teen and teen years, and you might know several skateboard tricks, how to do […]