July is National Ice Cream Month. Did you know that? I bet you didn’t! It means your task is to consume extra ice cream in July. The fun tradition was started by former US president Ronald Reagan, who issued Proclamation 5219 in honor of this “nutritious and wholesome food” way back in 1984! President Reagan loved sweet jelly […]
Do you like to cook? Take our short quiz to see how much you really know about cooking terms. How did you do on the quiz? What recipes can you make? Please comment below.
If you had to pick between yummy pizza or ice cream, which one would you choose? Please comment and vote below!
OK, take a close look at Colonel Sanders above for me. You done? You should look again. Keep looking…. I SAID KEEP LOOKING. Do you see anything strange? When you are ready, click on “View Secret” to see what I see. Please comment below with your thoughts!
Christmas is truly upon us now! I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to gathering around the Christmas tree, spending time with families, reconnecting with friends, exchanging gifts, and unwrapping presents. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re also looking forward to the most—that is indulging in the delectable Christmas feast served at […]
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Vote for your favorite Thanksgiving food item. Did we miss something you really liked? You can vote for more than one item. How did you enjoy your Thanksgiving leftovers? Share you favorite Thanksgiving leftover tips in the comments.
What foods do you like the most. Pizza is my favorite! If you could only eat one food your entire life, what would it be? If you could only eat one last meal what would it be? What is your favorite snack food? Potato chips or corn chips? What is your favorite dessert? Favorite flavor […]
Do you like apples? Here are some cool apple trivia facts: There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples! Most apples trees came from Europe. The only apple native to North America is the sour Crabapple. Washington is the #1 producer of apples in the U.S. An Apple tree can grow up to 40 feet […]
Vote for your favorite fast food place. If we missed one you really like, please comment below so we can add it. Do you agree with the voting results? What are some of your favorite fast food items at these well known places. You can vote for more than one item.
What is your favorite pizza topping? Please also post some comments! Do you have any other polls you would like to see on KidzNet?