Hello:) Many coders wonder how to make text input, and some wonder if I could make a text input only for emails. So if you are looking for it you came to the right place. You can make a simple text input by typing: <input>. But what if you just need it for emails? You […]
Many websites are not mobile friendly, and when they try to make it friendly they need to redesign it. This can lead to struggling and force them to give up. Here is a shortcut method. This is a basic code using a metatag to make your webpage mobile friendly. Code: <head> <meta name=”viewport” […]
Hello:) Have you ever seen html code? If you have you will find <!DOCTYPE html>, so you will wonder what it is, and here is the answer. When you use <!DOCTYPE html> that means you are using the latest html in the world. So, if you opened an old website and read it’s code you […]
Hello:) Today we will talk about paragraphs in HTML. Paragraphs are blocks of content separated by blank lines or indentations. To write a paragraph we will need to use the <p> tag. Example: Next, you will open the file and the paragraph will show output like in the photo below: Homework: Make an HTML paragraph […]
Hello:) In this group we will post some HTML tips. If you want to help, you can post tips too! If you have a problem, please post it in the comments, or in an individual group, but put this group as the category button, or mention these users: @HTML-codes (me) @basha