Harry Potter Minecraft Project Update!!!!!!

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Good morning my beautiful people!!!!!! Today I am gonna update y’all on my Harry Potter project!!!!!! Lets begin!👩‍🏫👻 I am still working on the gringots area but I will try to finish tomorrow!!!!!! For the muggle area I have got some build hacks that make actual functioning road lights!!!! 🙃. I’ve already got the Dursleys […]

Hogwarts House Test

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If are you brave and loyal to the people you know, then you are a Gryffindor. If you are a hard worker and patient, then you’re a Hufflepuff. If you are intelligent about the situation at hand, then you’re a Ravenclaw. If you are ambitious and cunning and do you have resourcefulness, then you are […]

5 Facts About Harry Potter!

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Hi! I’m Jacob and I love Harry Potter! Here all the facts that I know about it. 1. Ron’s biggest fear is that Harry and Hermione will date. 2. In the chamber of secrets, when Lucius Malloy meets Harry he slips Tom Riddle’s diary into Ginny’s books. 3. After Harry “dies,” Voldemorts robe gets lighter […]

Ginny Weasley and…Draco Malfoy!?!?

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I know this may sound crazy, but it’s not and no, I’m not going insane. The truth is they would make a great couple! They are more alike than they seem. They are really both good guys. Now you might be thinking that Draco is bad, but he is not!!! I know, crazy right. But […]

20 Wicked Details from the Harry Potter Films You May Have Missed

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The Harry Potter movie franchise was comprised of eight movies in total over ten years, and each movie was made with great attention to detail and design. We, as Potterheads, pride ourselves on all the facts we know about the wizarding world. And I bet you’ve rewatched the movie series countless times already. But did […]

10 Facts About Harry Potter You May Not Know

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Twenty-one years later, after Harry Potter first hit the big screens, it is still the best-selling book series in history and one of the most well-known series of all time. If you’re a Potterhead like me, you might’ve already known a lot of the facts from the wizarding world. Although there are still many fun […]

Things You May Not Have Noticed in the Harry Potter Movies!!!

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In the scene where Hermione and Harry use the Time Turner to go back in time and save Buckbeak from his unfortunate fate, both actors’ microphone packs can be seen under their shirts on their back as they creep around Hagrid’s pumpkin garden and attempt to get Buckbeak untied. Did you guys notice this thing? […]