The Truth: Does Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water?

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Have you ever experienced opening up your fridge to get some ice cubes for your drink but were welcomed with empty trays instead? It’s kind of frustrating, right? But did you know there’s a simple and quite effective way to make ice cubes quickly? And that is to use hot water instead of cold! Yes, […]

Do Black/Dark Colors Gather More Heat (Experiment)?

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MATERIALS: 2 cans Black paint White paint Painting brush Water Thermometer ORDER OF ACTIONS:  Paint one of the cans black, and the other one white. Fill the cans with water and record the temperature of both cans. Leave the cans in sun for about 1 hour. Measure the temperature in each can. RESULTS The water […]

How Many Drops Can You Fit On A Coin?

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In this experiment we will explore how many drops of water you can fit on the surface of a coin. Materials: A coin A dropper A cup of water Experiment: Fill a dropper with water. Slowly drop water on a coin. Hold very steady and use your finger to stabilize the dropper as shown in […]

Photosynthesis Experiment

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This is an experiment about photosynthesis which is the process where plants use light to make sugar (glucose) that they can later use as food. Materials: 500 ml beaker 3 petri dishes test tubes alcohol iodine (I) dropper forceps beaker tongs stove sugar and starch 3 leaves (1green, 1 white, 1 green and white) 25 […]

How To Put A Bubble On Your Hand?

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In this experiment we will explore surface tension and see if you can hold a bubble in your hands. Materials Needed: A glove A dish soap A pipit or straw A small plate Expected Outcome Guess: It will burst. We can’t put it on a surface. Experiment: Put some of the soap in the plate. […]

Homemade Freezer Experiment

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In this experiment we will create a homemade freezer and make ice cream. Ice cream requires very cold temperatures below freezing to come out well. Salt will be used to lower the freezing point of ice. Materials: A bag of ice cubes A cup of salt (NaCl) 200ml milk Ice cream powder String rod Beaker […]