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The sky is not gray, but yet not blue. White specks fall from clouds strewn across the sky. Like feathers from a bird of joy does the snow does come to the ground.  A scent sweeps its way through the needles of the lively evergreens and captures me. Hot chocolate is being prepared in the […]

Welcome to KidzNet

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Hello, welcome to the new KidzNet. I’m also new to the new KidzNet, and my name is EloquentRacer92. First, we start at the Main section. The section includes a member sidebar to the left, featured posts in the middle, and bookmarks, categories, and login to the right. Next, we head to the Members section. This […]

Rank information!

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Hello, Everyone So, I was wondering what the ranks were and what points were required. I remembered that KS posted this. I just wanted to repost because I think it’s helpful and more people should see it. @pumpkin, I swear I’m not posting for points. Newbie: 0 – 100 Novice: 101 – 2,000 Apprentice: 2,001 – […]

Describe Your Idea of a Perfect Day.

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The title is pretty self explanatory.  I see y’all With the huge 5 page descriptions and the awesome writing don’t get me wrong its just the typing you all do is just outstanding! So you can put your Perfect Day ideas to work and I look forward to reading them However I do not actually […]

Pumpkin, nominee for the first *possible* mod. + JD2005

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Guten Tag, KS & Pumpkin (and JD2005) Well, to get things started, I have noticed that Pumpkin (The most popular user in KN) has been making a lot of well-received posts. I have decided that they are a leader and should be trusted with these permissions. They are very active and do a lot for the […]

Hunting Controversy

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Salve, everyone I noticed that there is a lot of controversy about hunting. I will make something clear. There will be NO insulting others, NO purposefully putting someone down, and NO cursing. Your opinions are valid. You cannot make others stop hunting or make others start hunting. Please don’t bring hate to your fellow “Netters.” I […]

KidzSearch What is it?

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Why do you have kidzsearch? What are three things you like and don’t like about KS? Do you sound really cool when you say “oh, yeah😏😏 I have KidzSearch” ? Last Question, why don’t you kids just use Google?

Active Member or just Member? (Including the little icons)

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Zdravstvuyte, KS I noticed that others have an Active Member with a star underneath their name where they comment. I also noticed that you are a Noble Member with a blue shield. Members just have a green person. @jd2005 has a * with Trusted Member. Is there a way for someone like me to acquire Active […]

What are ranks? + Suggestion

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Bonjour, KS What is the future of Ranks? I’ve seen the ranks underneath our names. For everyone, it says “Rank: Newbie.” Do these ranks evolve through points/time, or are they static as of now? Also, are there going to be custom ranks for people who request them, like OGs and Legendary? You could as add permissions […]

Are there going to be Moderator/Admin applications?

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Shalom, KS I was just wondering, will there ever be any applications for this? You might not remember, but in 2018/19, I sent you a message asking whether or not there are M/A apps. I recall you telling me that there aren’t any but that you’ll take me into consideration, if they are available. I assume […]

Post to everyone who thinks they should quit. (DON’T)

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Salut, Everyone I just wanted to say that you shouldn’t leave KidzNet, trust me. Updates will come, groups will arrive. Everything will be better and faster. There will be private messaging (maybe even stories😉.) You need to stay, don’t you want to see the future of KidzNet? This new update not only brings more people, but […]

New KidzNet?

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Well, what do you think of it? I liked the old version better. All my friends are gone, my points are lost, and the best feature- private messaging system is gone! KS, I and forgxtten were planning to do a co-op and without the private messaging feature, we can’t do it! We need to discuss […]