Continuing Best User Awards! #1

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I am officially continuing the Best User Awards that Sharkyman left off. If you do not know where Sharkyman went, he left because people were mad at him. User Nominees: Default Nominees By Points, Friends, Etc. @Pumpkin @ammyk @kidzsearch @Dash201 @Romi330 Should I add myself? It doesn’t seem fair…. Comment Below On More User Nominees! (Do […]

Best User Awards

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So hi! Let’s just start. Here are the best user nominees:   Pumpkin kidzsearch esie Dash201 klodnxj1612 JD2005 Reader sharkyman asianviking8 DukeSilver Award ceremony Mr/Mrs cool guy/girl is 1. @jd2005 and @dukesilver 2. @esie 3. @reader Mr/Mrs Most Aggressive 1. @pumpkin 2 .@dash201 3.  Commando NOT HERE Most Friendly 1. @asianviking8 2. @esie 3. @spacebee Best at Commenting 1. @klodnxj1612 2. @asianviking8 3. ALL USERS […]

Oh my gods, Oh my gods, what’s happened to me?

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  I kid you not. That is what I got after I searched for tanks for sale to contradict Pumpkin. I clicked the middle box, and it said it was a $1,000 Amazon gift card. I clicked “Accept,” and a timer started counting down from five minutes for the validity of the prize. So, tell […]

Tell Us Your Best Study Tips. Best Advice Gets a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

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This contest is only open to KidzNet members (registration is free and only takes a minute). Just post a comment in our Best Studying Tips For Kids post. The best comment will win a $50 Amazon gift card!!! The last date you can enter is March 31st, 2022 (extended). Winners will be announced on April […]

Lets Try To Get The Most Comments!

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Yeah, we’re doing this again. This time we need to get the most comments (so I can get clout), and we need to get the most bookmarks as well. Currently, the post “Chat” has over 100 comments. Instead of going there when you need to chat, just go here instead. We can easily beat them […]